Brad and Mike were the last ones to arrive at the airport, and by then, the only autograph we were missing was Brad's. but it was already like 11.20am, and they were supposed to start boarding at 11.25! so they were all in a hurry already. we didn't dare to go up anymore cuz it's best to let them finish all the check-in first. and then, just as they were about to wrap things up, this airport official guy there asked Mike for a photo!!!!!! and Mike did pose with him with a big smile!!!!!! ~~~>___<~~~ what the hell~~~ I can't believe that guy used his "authority" to do that!
and then they left... this photo was obviously taken while we were walking behind them, cuz friend had to go in too... but we didn't know what to do. the other fanboy chased up and shoved the lyrics booklet in front of Brad, who just looked at it and didn't do anything but kept walking and talking to Mike. I mean, it was a rather dumb move, cuz it was pretty obvious already the guys were rushing for boarding and it's pointless to ask. so, I just watched them all leave... (friend went in as well to board on the same flight with them to go back to Taiwan).
and that's all that happened. I left with the biggest sense of unfulfillment... the whole time after that I kept thinking what I should've done and how stupid I was. even tho I did get another 2 autographs, and it's okay there's no photo... but the things I had wanted to say!!! even just to yell a simple "bye"!!! the previous day I left with the sense of complete achievement, since I had managed to express my feelings and said all that I wanted to say... but then in the end now, I'm left feeling like I didn't get to do what I set out to do. *SIGH* but I guess I'll just have to take comfort in the fact that at least I did get to say something... to Chester and Phoenix at least~ cuz if I hadn't even met them before I never would've been able to say anything to them in the first place!
but still, I think it's not so nice of us to never utter a word to Joe and Rob when we got the autographs... I didn't say anything to Mike either the day before when I got his (while friend said to him "the concept of the album is awesome!" in which Mike said "thanks"). it's like, you're only there to get a signature that's all? sigh. but I was just too dumbfounded and braindead already that I didn't know what to say anymore...
there were only around 6 fans in the Singapore airport, including us, to see them off... while at the Taiwan airport when they were leaving, there were reportedly like 30 fans and apparently after Chester finished checking in, he walked up to the fans and said "come! who wants autograph?" and signed for (some of) the fans waiting there!!! *O*
Mike referred to Taiwan's experience as "paparazzi airport"... so see, we're such nice sensible fans!!! we totally didn't take photos of them candidly from the side or anything the whole time!!! because we knew they could feel it and may be uncomfortable!!! and yet the guards still had to be so f'ing mean to us. argh.
hmm, but still, after this whole experience (which was quite an eye opener nonetheless), I think it's best to refrain from the airport... cuz when people arrive, they're typically tired after a long flight already, and when they're about to leave, they're so rushed to finish check-in and go for boarding... so both are not good timings and people may not be in their best moods. it was the best when we followed them around on that free day and they were relaxed ^O^