Morning After Linkin Park

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Chazy Chaz. Рождение звезды

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141 … odpod.html

Interview with Chester and Rob

Vodpod has an interview with Chester and Rob where they talked about 'Given Up' and the time they really got arrested in Australia

В первой части Честер говорит о создании Given Up, что было около 20 версий песни. Потом всё уперлось в припев и Майк посоветовал ему спеть такую фразу, которую он бы в обычной жизни сказал в сотстоянии фрустрации (психическое состояние, выражающееся в характерных особенностях переживаний и поведения, вызываемых объективно непреодолимыми (или субъективно так понимаемыми) трудностями, возникающими на пути к достижению цели или решению задачи. )  короче, про то, что в песне поётся )))) Tell me what the fuck is wrong with me Вот Честер и спел. И он говорит, что этот протяжный крик был типа шутки, и он теперь жалеет об этом, потому что ему приходится на каждом концерте напрягаться, и это совсем не весело

Во второй части он рассказывает о том, что когда они прилетели в Новую Зеландию ( в прошлом году), на таможне у него обнаружились незадекларированные и грязные! туфли для гольфа. Его чуть за это не арестовали. Такое с Честером было впервые. Чтоб к подобной хрени придирались.


Hunger Strike feat. Chester Proshot Video

Chris Cornell posted a proshot video of 'Hunger Strike' feat. Chester live from Projekt Revolution on his YouTube!

This video was recorded in Woodlands, TX on the last date of Projekt Revolution.

Download this awesome performance here:
Video2 [iPod Format]:

PR 2008
жалка что скачать нельзя..


уже всё давно скачано! 5 видео в архиве … e.rar.html


о!!=)) клева!!)) Спасибо!!!  :jumping:


Jaclyn написал(а):

Во второй части он рассказывает о том, что когда они прилетели в Новую Зеландию ( в прошлом году), на таможне у него обнаружились незадекларированные и грязные! туфли для гольфа. Его чуть за это не арестовали. Такое с Честером было впервые. Чтоб к подобной хрени придирались

Таможенные правила Новой Зеландии
На границах Новой Зеландии введен детальный досмотр физических лиц, багажа, товаров и даже почтовых отправлений, прибывающих на ее территорию. Санитарный и ветеринарный контроль очень жесткий, используются электронные детекторы, специально обученные собаки и ручной осмотр всего багажа.
...Запрещен ввоз продуктов питания (в том числе большинства видов консервов), наркотиков, оружия, любых растений, предметов животного и растительного происхождения (включая почву), продуктов пчеловодства, кормов для домашних животных, слоновой кости в любой форме, изделий из панциря черепахи, кости и бивней морского зверя, рогов носорога и шкуры тигра, а также изделия из кожи представителей семейства кошачьих. Запрещен ввоз целого ряда мочегонных, снотворных и успокоительных средств.....и т.д, и т.п.


Майк дал интервью на радио X107.5 (X-treme Radio в Лас Вегасе). Он сказал, что точно не знает, что же произошло с Честером. Несколько дней назад Честер был у себя дома и ничего такого особенного не делал, чтобы надорваться, но у него так прихватило спину, что он даже не смог встать. Ему вкололи лекарство и на носилках увезли в больницу. Сейчас он лежит там на обследовании, и врачи запретели ему всякую концертную деятельность. На сколько - не известно. Майк надеется, что они скорее всего отыграют отмененный концерт в Лас Вегасе, но вновь спланировать тур в Китай весьма проблематично. Может быть когда-нибудь


So by now - you know that the rest of the LP tour is cancelled. What an anti-climactic way to end a tour. All of us are really bummed, especially since Chester was injured. In case you don't know. Chester (lead singer of Linkin Park) hurt his back while playing with his kid. Apparently he slipped two of his discs in his back. I imagine that this is excruciatingly painful. I feel for him.
Pooch's Blog … 009-155006

Звукач Линков говорит о том, что Чез сместил два позвоночных диска, когда играл со соим детенышем


ZorkoeUho Огромное спасибо за инфу!  :)

Это мне напомнило "Дети в подвале играли в гестапо...." :suspicious:


Новое сообщение от Честера!

October 21, 2008
Julien-K Show!!
Hey our friends in Julien-K are playing at the Viper Room Nov. 21st.
This is their only show in Southern California in 08' so you don't
want to miss it. Some of you may have seen them at Project Revolution
07', so you know how good they are. For those of you who are not
familiar with them, this is your chance to see one of the best up and
coming bands out right now. I'll be there with my JK button on singing
every word!..................C




At the Raleigh Meet and Greet he told us that he would be hitting up a small amount of venues. Like only places that really wanted him. I don't know what that means.

He says he wants to get it out before next LP record and he doesnt want heavy touring. he will go where the people want to see him. just a few shows, probably have to travel to new york, l.a.

I recorded it if you want to watch it if you want to watch he starts talking about DBS at 5:16


Co Street Drums Corps

Myspace 2 Year Concert (October 2005) with Chester "Linkin Park"


Video: Interview with Chester on SUB

Finnish TV station, SUB has an interview with Chester when Linkin Park were in the country for the Provinssirock festival in June, download here. Thanks alot Rde.


Такие гоблины иногда на камеру лезут...оО


C Myspase JULIEN-K

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Death To Analog

It was meant to be. Tuesday, February 17th, 2009. The death of analog television; the release of the album.

More details coming. Stay tuned.


While Linkin Park is starting the new album, Bennington will be putting the finishing touches on his first solo album, which he's been recording with producer Howard Benson and hopes to have out next spring or summer. "I'll probably be finished in the next couple months," reports Bennington, who describes the set as "a lot more straightforward rock, with a little bit of an electronic element to it, lots of keys and snyths and stuff like that. And there are a few elements where I think you'll be able to see what my influence on (Linkin Park) is."

Bennington also hopes "to do as much touring as possible" to promote the solo album but adds that he's wary of "putting myself in a situation where I can't finish the Linkin Park record because I'm supposed to be on a tour. It's a really delicate kind of balancing act I'm gonna try to pull off here." … 1003878460


October 29, 2008
No more jumping off risers for CHESTER BENNINGTON

Singer CHESTER BENNINGTON's back injury recently forced LINKIN PARK to cancel a planned five-date tour of China. MIKE SHINODA says Bennington had an injured disk, and while he's expected to make a full recovery, doctors have told him he can't continue to jump off of the band's risers in concert. Explains Shinoda, "The doctor said that's one of the major contributors to his problems, so he's got to knock that off."

The Chinese concerts were organized to raise money to benefit the victims of the earthquake earlier this year in Sichuan province. But despite the cancellations, the band's Music For Relief foundation is still making a donation to the cause.
source abc radio network posted by THE SPIKING VIKING on 10/29/2008 8:51:13 AM


Chester Bennington Live Guide

Devore, California
Hyundai Pavilion at Glen Helen
23rd September 2006
KROQ Inland Invasion 2006
Alice in Chains show

01. Them Bones
02. Damn the River
03. Again
04. Heaven Beside You
05. We Die Young
06. Grind
07. Angry Chair
08. Man in the Box (feat. Chester Bennington)
09. Rooster
10. Would?

Show Notes:
- Chester sang on 'Man in the Box' with Alice in Chains.

Other Notes:
- A few fanshot videos exists of this song. The entire Inland Invasion show was webcasted except for Alice in Chains.

Interview with Chester from KROQ Inland Invasion … ester.html … ?album=195


[Dead By Sunrise]

• postado em 02.11.08 por Dian Lucas

Calma galera, o CD ainda não tem data de lançamento, mas todos sabem que será em um belo dia em 2009, certo? Então, enquanto Chester Bennington e CIA estão dando os “retoques” finais no álbum, nós, do LinkinPark:br, vamos contar algumas coisas que talvez já tenho sido esquecidas, afinal, esse álbum já era pra estar em nossas mãos, não é mesmo?

Primeiramente, um pouco de história!

Tudo começou quando Bennington teve a grande idéia de gravar um álbum com Ryan Shuck e Amir Derakh, que atualmente, são integrantes da banda Julien-K. Claro, a maioria já sabe que Chester também “pulou a cerca” e já é um dos integrantes do Julien-K, afinal, é ele que dá uma “mãozinha” na produção das músicas. Aliás, quem não lembra quando Chester cantou com o Julien-K em alguns shows durante a Projekt Revolution'07? Não lembra? Então nós fazemos questão de lembrá-lo!

Julien-K feat Chester Bennington - Technical Difficulties - PR'07

Julien-K feat Chester Bennington - Kick The Bass - PR'07

Ok ok, agora vamos voltar no tempo e ir até 2005, quando Bennington convidou Ryan e Amyr para uma conversa um tanto quanto produtiva. Era o início de uma banda primeiramente denominada Snow White Tan, e que, por motivos não divulgados, passou a ser conhecida como Dead By Sunrise. Mas não pense que só os três fazem parte do conjunto. Brandon Belsky, Elias Andra e  Fu também são integrantes.

O resto? Ah, o resto é história. Agora vamos falar sobre as apresentações!

:: 10 de Setembro de 2005 – Dead By Sunrise apresenta a música Let Down no evento React Now – programa que em parceria com o Music For Relief, arrecadou fundos para as vítimas do furacão Katrina.

:: 10 de Maio de 2008 – DBS apresenta as músicas My Suffering e Walking In Circles, no 13º aniversário do Club Tatto. Além destas, a tradicional Morning After é integrada a apresentação.

Por fim, esse é um resumo do resumo sobre o Dead By Sunrise. Esperamos que através desse post, você conheça um pouco mais sobre a banda e fique preparado para o lançamento do álbum. Legal né?


Chester Bennington, Slash... Playing Paradise City … re=related

Chester Bennington from Linkin Park singing Highway To Hell with Slash and Billy Morrison. … re=related

San Franciso, California
Warfield Theater
6th October 2006
Talking House Productions and NARAS Tribute Party
Camp Freddy show

01. Ballroom Blitz
02. 20th Century Boy
03. Feel Like Makin' Love
04. Pretty Vacant
05. Jailbreak
06. Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin cover) [w/Chester, Slash and Joe Satriani]
07. Highway To Hell (AC/DC cover) [w/Chester, Slash and Billy Morrison]
08. Suffragette City
09. Search & Destroy
10. New Rose
11. Hey Joe
12. Jean Genie
13. Surrender
14. Paradise City (Guns N Roses cover) [w/Chester, Slash, Matt Sorum and Duff McKagan]
15. Holiday In Cambodia
16. I Wanna Be Your Dog [w/everyone]

Source 1:

Show Notes:
- Proshot videos exist of all three songs and were released on a Harmony Central site. They are still available there in WMV and MP4 (QuickTime).
- There's also video from Morrison's October Video Blog with 40 seconds of backstage video - Chester performing Whole Lotta Love (ending).
- There are also 2 AUD recordings of songs Paradise City and Whole Lotta Love.

Other Notes:
- Performance at a private event. … ?album=196

Вы здесь » Morning After Linkin Park » Chester Bennington » Chazy Chaz. Рождение звезды