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Chazy Chaz. Рождение звезды

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Биография. Сольные проекты
Рост: 5`10 (177 см)
Волосы: шатен
Глаза: карие
Родился в Фениксе 20 марта 1976, штат Аризона.  Сейчас Честер живет  в  Newport Beach, Orange County, California

В младших классах ходил вCentennial High School и Greenway High School, но затем перешёл в Washington High School, которую закончил в 1994 году. Другого образования не имеет.


Теперь это официальный сайт Честера! Йо!  :yahoo:

Он попросил Джен  запостить это сообщение (Джен - девушка, 22 года, Северная Каролина, США)

Hey, this is Chester and I am confirming that this is the official CB
website. I met with Jen during PR because she seems to know what I'm
doing before I do.....ha ha.....asked her if we could make cbonline my
official site and if she would like to run it. This is the beginning
of our work togther we hope you enjoy it as much as you have in the
past. Please feel free to make any suggestions on how we can improve
this site for everyone, and give a round of applause to Jen for
running great fan sites like this.................Yours
Truly, Chaz

Привет, это Честер и я подтверждаю, что это официльнай сайт СВ. Я встречался с Джен во время PR, потому что она, кажется, знает, что я делаю ещё до того, как я это сделаю....ха ха.... спросил её, можем ли мы сделать cbonline моим официальным сайтом, и будет ли она его админом. Это начало нашего совместного сотрудничества, мы надеемся, что вы будете довольны этим так же, как и раньше. Пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь высказывать свои пожелания по улучшению сайта и оглушительно апплодировать Джен за управлением таким классным фан-сайтом...............Искренне Ваш, Chaz


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Кто он, Честер Беннингтон? (14.08.03) Журнал "Kerrang!"

Казалось, что нынешнее лето должно было стать одним из самых значимых и плодотворных в жизни Честера Беннигтона. Свежий альбом "Метеора" оккупировал верхние позиции в чартах и продан уже более чем пятимиллионным тиражом. Было запланировано множество концертов в Европе и съёмки клипа в Праге, столице Чехии. Наиболее значимым для группы было участие в туре Металлики - Summer Sanitarium - это предвещало несколько интересных месяцев выступлений в сопровождении любимой жены и сына Дрейвена.

Но всё это полетело к чёрту меньше чем за полчаса. "Мне казалось, что я умру", - говорит Честер уже сейчас об инфекции, которая отправила его в больницу.
Мы смотрим в голубое небо Лос-Анжелеса. Сегодня Linkin Park находятся в готическом храме восполняя потерянные дни съёмок в Чехии. Им пришлось полностью перекроить всё расписание, так как болезнь выбила вокалиста из колеи немногим более месяца назад. Внутри, между скамейками церкви, гитарист Брэд Делсон, бассист "Феникс", вокалист Майк Шнода и барабанщик Роб Бурдон мерно проходят - началась съёмка видео, режиссёр которого Джо Хан, DJ группы. В данный момент Честер пока не нужен для съёмок, и он отдыхает на просторной лужайке перед храмом.

"Это было обескураживающе", - говорит певец уныло улыбаясь. "Я был на пике физического состояния, я горы готов был свернуть пару месяцев назад, но позже, проснувщись, одним утром я почувствовал лёгкую боль в боку. Два часа спустя я чувствал себя ужасно, будто бы мне помирать уже пора! За 9 дней в больнице я похудел на почти на 10 килограммов. У меня до сих пор проблемы со здоровьем".
Беннигтон, как мы знаем, не отличается атлетическим сложением тела и коренастым его можно назвать, если проявить недюжую фантазию, в отличие от других групп-исполнителей рэп-металла (кстати, Linkin Park не любят, когда их творчество называют "рэп-металлом", но всё же - прим. переводившего). И также сложно представить его тело похудавшим на 9 с лишним килограммов да ещё и умудряющимся при этом самостоятельно передвигаться.
Сегодня, одетый в стиле гангстеров восточного Лос-Анжелеса для съёмок видео, он говорит тихо и мягко, время от времени покашливая, что выдаёт его не самое лучшее состояние. Может, он жертва проклятия вуду? Какого же бога он прогневал?

"Всех!", - лукаво говорит он, смеётся. Беннигтон садится в кресло, откидываясь на спинку. О Linkin Park бытует мнение о том, что интервью для прессы довольно общие, ребята витиевато и общо отвечают, когда дело касается пикантных вопросов. Но, должно быть, сегодня царит необычная атмосфера, что позволит Честеру отказаться от привычной осторожности в интервью и поговорить на темы, о которых он долгое время молчал. Церковь - лучшего места и не придумаешь.

Многие фаны LP знают, что Честер последним присоединился к калифорнийской группе. В отличие от 5-ти остальных музыкантов, он не всё время жил в Лос-Анжелесе, он вырос в Фениксе, штат Аризона. После того как его родители развелись (когда Честеру, самому младшему из четырёх детей их семьи, было 11 лет), Беннигтон то и дело убегал из дома.

Почему ваши родители постоянно переезжали с места на место?
"Не знаю почему, наверно, у них не было достаточно денег или что-то типа того. Я жил много где - Скотсдейл (Scottsdale), Толлесон (Tolleson), Темп (Tempe)".

А как развод ваших родителей повлиял на вас?
"Это потрясло меня. До развода мама обычно будила меня с утра, делала завтрак... потом папа вечером с работы приходил. Нормальная жизнь. Детям нужно это. Я был довольно крепким парнем, в спортзал ходил, но после я перестал заботиться об этом. Я начал курить дурь и ходить на всякие вечеринки. Кажется, мне 11 тогда было".

После развода Честер жил со своим отцом, офицером полииции и по совместительству детективом, но его отец не был подготовлен к жизни с сыном, находящимся в бунтующем возрасте. Как какая-то противонаркотическая пропаганда предостерегала, марихуана вскоре подтолкнула Беннигтона к употреблению более сильных наркотиков. Разочарованный в своей семье, отгараживающий сам себя от свох братьев и сестёр, он употреблял все, что было запрещено: ЛСД, метамфитамины, алкоголь.

Вы употребляли наркотики чтобы убежать от того, что происходило в жизни?
"Не знаю насколько я пытался убежать от реальности, мне просто нравилось ощущение. Мне нравилось становиться обдолбанным. Те годы оставили определённый отпечаток на моём организме".

А у вас когда-нибудь проблемы с законом были?
"Вообще-то я был довольно милым парнем. Я ничего не крал. Ну... единственные у кого я украл бы, были люди, которые знали, что я у них что-то краду, чтобы убытки покрыла их страховка".

Честер прекращает баловать с наркотиками после того, как его мама, медсестра, ужаснулась, увидев своего семнадцатилетнего сильно исхудавшего сына, весил он всего 50 килограммов. "Я практически прекратил курить марихуану, марихуана для хиппи. Тогда я почти стал отбросом, я думал: 'тааак, чё бы ещё поделать? Ааа, может, пойти и подстрелить что-нибудь'". В конце концов дни совершения преступлений и самоистязаний однажды ушли в прошлое. Честер Беннигтон начал серьёзно заниматься музыкой. Он был большим фанатом Depeche Mode и Stone Temple Pilots. Его группа, Grey Daze, в Фениксе заимела небольшую кучку фанатов. Gray Daze наняли специального человека, который помогал в продвижении группы среди ведущих звукозаписывающих лейблов, но привлечь внимания у них так и не получилось. Но кое-что значимое всё-таки случилось: одна из фанаток Gray Daze становится женой вокалиста, Миссис Беннигтон.

Как Вам жилось, когда Вы впервые встретили Саманту?
"У меня мало чего было. Я работал в "Бургер-Кинг" днём, а вечером мы репетировали. У меня не было машины, не было мотоцикла, у меня был скейт - на нём я и рассекал местные улицы".

Как она относилась к Вашему образу жизни?
"Нормально. Я сказал: 'Это то, что я буду делать, если ты готова терпеть всё это - клёво. А если нет, тебе, наверно, стоит найти кого-то другого'. (смеётся) И она вышла за меня замуж!"

Наряду с таким романтическим разворотом судьбы, был и ещё один момент, который заставил Честера отказаться от образа жизни, который он вёл раньше. Он имеет ввиду историю, в которую была вовлечена "Мексиканская Мафия". Как-то он был дома у своего друга, внезапно в помещение ворвались несколько вооружённых людей повалив всех на пол. На этот раз они оставили их в живых. "Я помню своего знакомого, который был вынужден бежать из Аризоны, задолжав десятки тысяч долларов местному наркобарону, грозившемуся убить должника", - вспоминает Беннингтон, "всё это заставило меня задуматься, 'а, может, мне всё-таки стоит с наркотиками завязать'".

К 20 годам многое поменялось в жизни Честера Беннигтона. У Саманты и Честера во владении были 2 довольно пригожих дома в Аризоне, работали они на рынке недивижимости, то есть продавали квартиры и дома. Чтобы хоть что-то понимать в деле, Честер пошёл на специальные курсы в Университет Аризоны (в отличие от остальных участников Linkin Park, у Честера нет диплома о высшем образовании). И несмотря на то, что Gray Daze уже были угасающей группой, Беннигтон поддерживал связь с человеком из Калифорнии, помогавшим когда-то в продвижении группы. Когда Беннингтону было 23, он получает уникальную возможность, узнав, что молодой лос-анжелесской команде Xero срочно нужен вокалист. С согласием жены, Честер вылетел для встречи с ними, несколько месяцев спустя Xero стали Hybrid Theory, а позднее Linkin Park.
Беннингтон знает, что его сын будет смотреть на него и, будучи вокалистом одной из самых популярных групп нашего времени, он хочет, чтобы сын впитал творческий потенциал отца и не заболел звёздной болезнью.

Но, к сожалению, тело Беннингтона не слушается; вместо того, чтобы отдаваться работе сполна, он вынужден проводить долгий курс реабилитации. Он шутливо говорит, что даже вода приводит его желудок в расстройство. Ещё и это майское обострение его состояния, когда его отправили в интенсивную терапию. Начало этого обострения было пугающим. Внезапно у него стали неметь сначала пальцы, потом руки и ноги. Его жена увидела его в ванной лежащим на полу. В больнице ему кололи морфий ("чёрная пелена смерти", как он сам говорит об этом (это сильное обезболевающее - прим. переводившего)). Честер был зол сам на себя, как он говорит, потому, что "его тело отказывалось быть здоровым".

Было ли Ваше пребывание в больнице болезненным?
"Чувак, больница - это не круто. Я спокойно спал только 3 часа ночью, днём вообще не спал так как почти кадый час ко мне заходила медсестра и брала у меня кровь для анализов. У меня всё ещё болит в боку и никто не знает из-за чего это. Они типа такие "у Вас вырождающаяся проблема с животом". А я про себя думаю 'ха! ну а кто чёрт побери знает что это за проблема?!'"

Ваша болезнь заставила Вас сожалеть о том образе жизни, какой Вы вели в молодые годы?
"Не знаю, научило ли это ченя чему-то, я знаю что от наркотиков умирают. Жить так в некоторой степени весело, но наркотики делают вас беспомощными, когда вы решаете бросить. Очень прикольно, когда "ловишь кайф" и очень неприкольно, когда не ловишь. Поэтому всё время хочется принять ещё. Некоторые наркотики причиняют большую боль, чем другие. И, я думаю, любой наркоман хочет быть рок-звездой".

Сегодня у нас нет возможности поговорить с "коллегами" Беннингтона. Все кучкуются в их собственном маленьком мире Linkin Park, вскоре Честера зовут для съёмок. Его пение гулкими раскатами отдаётся в коридорах храма: I've become so numb/I can't feel you there/Become so tired/So much more aware...

Что Вы думаете о поразительном успехе Linkin Park?
"Я всегда знал, что то, что я делаю сейчас - это то к чему я стремился всю свою жизнь, я знал, что у меня всё получится. Просто так случилось, я нашёл этих ребят. Думаю, я нашёл бы их если не сейчас, то позже всё равно нашёл бы. Так жизнь устроена. А если бы не нашёл, то всё равно бы занимался музыкой. Я бы вошёл в историю Феникса как неудачник самой долгоиграющей группы".

Заставила ли Ваша недавняя болезнь переоценить жизнь?
"Это немного встряхнуло меня. Я думал, что умру - это может случиться независимо от того насколько вы здоровы, насколько вы счастливы или богаты, вы всё равно можете умереть без всякой причины. Быть одним из Linkin Park - это классно, но то, что я хотя бы жив - тоже ничего. Мне нравится быть тем, кто я есть и делать то, что я делаю, и всё, что меня окружает в жизни великолепно... но реальность реальна! (смеётся). Точно, реальность реально реальна!"

Ооо, это Ваша философия?
"Неа. (улыбается) Моя философия: 'Не заходить в бар слева и никогда не садиться за руль пьяным".

Credits to




Chester Bennington, Linkin Park's singer, recalls a holiday a few years ago where he and his mother thought it would be a good idea for the singer to bring over his dog.

The only thing is that the two dogs didn't exactly get along, which precipitated a Christmas day attack.

"Christmas morning my dog is sitting in the hallway sleeping and this other dog just jumps on her and attacks her. We pull 'em apart and I stick my dog in the room for a minute and like an hour later I come in and she's still really scared and I'm like, 'OK it's been an hour, you'd think she'd forget. And I go in and I pet her and my hand is just covered in blood. Well, I couldn't see that there was any cut or anything, and I was like, 'OK, great. It's Christmas morning and there's blood on my dog. Where did she get bit? And I went and I'm looking and this gash about the length of my finger and about the depth of the canine tooth right across the back of her neck."

Bennington, with a comment on the goriness of the Christmas story, said the whole scene was right out of a horror film.

"I almost vomited right there. It was so disgusting. It literally looked like her head was going to fall off. You know like when, in the movies, somebody slices somebody's head and they kind of look around and all of the sudden their head just slides off? That's what I thought her head was going to do. and so that morning... (Phoenix) "I think I started this off on the wrong foot." (Bennington) "...I rushed my dog to the emergency vet and she got like twenty stitches across her neck and my mother was guilt ridden the rest of the day. That was a great Christmas (laughs)."

Linkin Park is currently whittling down songs for their forthcoming album, which should be released in early 2007.

............................ … video.html
Linkin Park brought this summer's Projekt Revolution tour to a close last month in Denver, but the band is only just getting started with its promotion of "Minutes to Midnight".

Singer Chester Bennington told The Pulse of Radio that Linkin Park has a long-range plan to support the record. "I think this time around we're really just gonna try to tour as much as we can on this record," he said. "We have a lot of material to work with and, you know, our sets are gonna be very diverse and things like that.

"So, you know, we'll take this as far as we can before, you know, we have to go back in and make another record, so I could see a good couple of years out of it, hopefully maybe a little bit more, and, you know, we'll start working on the next record during this process and just keep the ball rolling."
Linkin Park Side Project Dead By Sunrise Julien-k Backed … acked.html

Julien-K, which is an electronic group created by Amir Derakh and Ryan Shuck formerly of Orgy, are in the final recording stages of their debut album, 'Death to Analog.' The album was originally scheduled for release in 2005, but due to delays the band won't have the album finished until the end of 2007.

It seems the band was delayed by Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, who lent his hand and ear in the studio during the beginning stages of the band. But before the band had their album finished, Bennington approached the guys to be his backing band for his side project, Dead by Sunrise and Julien K's album was put on hold.

We caught up with Julien K who just finished up a slot on Linkin Park's Projekt Revolution tour to discuss having Chester help the band in its infant stage in the studio and their thoughts on being asked by Bennington to record his side project.

Chester Bennington Records Side Project With Julien K

"He (Bennington) came in and was basically working for Julien K when this thing was kind of in its nucleus stage. He was sort of teaching me and coaching me to sing and giving me the confidence to actually be a singer because in Orgy I wasn't a lead singer. This was kind of a nebulous group of people creating and writing music and he was sort of part of that group and one day he walked in with an acoustic guitar and he goes 'Hey I want you guys to record my side project.' And Amir and I looked at each other and we were like 'That's awesome. O.K. That's a great opportunity to work with Chester, who is our favorite singer in the world."

We also talked with Julien K about being two entirely different bands.

Julien K Actually Two Bands

"It turned into literally in a few days Julien K became Chester's band Dead by Sunrise so we literally stopped our record and recorded a record with Chester which is complete. Of course, the reason that didn't come out is because you have the Linkin Park record in front of it. There was a little bit of back up in timing and complications but basically Julien K is two bands. With Chester singing it's Dead by Sunrise and when I sing it's Julien K. Julien K is decidedly a bit more Electro but Dead by Sunrise a little bit heavier, a little bit more rocky and it's still got, Chester loves Electro music and he loves what we're doing."

Julien K will look to have their album completed by 2007. Since Linkin Park has just released their smash breakthrough album 'Minutes to Midnight' look for the band to delay the release of Death by Sunrise's debut album until sometime in 2008. Julien K have announced a run of tour dates with Mindless Self Indulgence beginning September 5th in Minnesota and extending until September 11th in Pennsylvania. Look for Death by Sunrise to announce tour dates in 2008 as the band tours in support of their debut album.


Chester Bennington (born March 20, 1976) is the vocalist of the rock/nu metal band Linkin Park. He was born in Phoenix, Arizona. He is notable for producing loud and very high pitched vocals. Most Linkin Park songs feature him screaming. He wears black horn rimmed glasses on occasion, and is short and lanky in appearance. His hair is of particular interest as it changes style and colour frequently.

Chester had a rather unpleasant life right through adolescence. He was sexually abused as a child, not by his family, but from the people around him. As a teenager, he was addicted to the street drug cocaine. However, Bennington is now free from his addiction and has been so for many years. His co-writer and fellow band member Mike Shinoda wrote a song about Chester's past which until recently the band could not perform live. The song, called "Breaking the Habit", brought back memories from the past which in many cases reduced Bennington to tears.

Bennington was formerly the lead vocalist in a band called Grey Daze, who were popular across Arizona and the United States, but didn't achieve global status. Their music was played on local radio stations and made 2 CDs, but never signed a contract. He eventually because they were taking credits for his own lyrics.  He later tried out for Hybrid Theory.

Grey Daze replaced Chester after he left with a female singer and the band is now known as Waterface.

He married his wife Samantha on Halloween at the age of 20, and because he was too poor to afford an actual wedding or engagement ring, the two of them have rings tattooed on their ring fingers. (Done before Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee had theirs done) They have one child, a boy named Draven Sebastien Bennington, born April 19, 2002 at 1PM.

His favorite albums are Fugazi - 13 Songs, Al Green - Greatest Hits, Led Zeppelin - IV, The Beatles - The White Album, and Stone Temple Pilots - Purple.

Personal: Married


Audio Technica Wireless Mic
Hamer guitars
Yamaha SPX 990
Takamine guitars

DVS/Matrix action figure steelo BIATCH!

“What I enjoy most about being in the band is having the opportunity to create and perform music with amazing musicians who have also become closest of friends. I would like to thank all who supports us and make all of this possible.”

Radom Info

Chester's birthday is 3/20/76.

Chester is left handed

He had a lipring, but it was recently removed at his wifes request - whilst they were retaking their wedding vowes in Hawaii.
Chester battled a drug addiction when he was a teenager and when he was 18, he was arrested for possession of marijuana.
Chester has a habit of showing his ass
Chester's biggest musical influence is the Stone Temple Pilots
Chester has (had) two dogs: a Rottweiller/Labrador mix and an Australian shepherd
Chester used to smoke
Chester's a Phoenix Cardinals football team fan
Chester went to Greenway Highschool BUT graduated from Washington High School in 1994. When Chester was young, he'd sing around the house, dreaming he was the fifth member of Depeche Mode.
Chester says that Stone Temple Pilots had the most influence on his career. He first saw them when he was 14.
Chester now lives in LA
Chester says he was a geek in high school.
Chester thought Aaliyah (RIP) was hot.
Thanks to his brother (who's 13 yrs older) Chester was influenced by bands like Loverboy, Foreigner and Rush.
Chester announced his 4 yr anniversary to Samantha at the 10/31/00 Hollywood,CA show
Chester used to enjoy the hip hop genre (acts like the Sugarhill Gang and Slick Rick) between the ages of 10 and 14 before delving into the punk rock scene.
The first album that made an impression on Chester was the Misfits.
Chester's first instrument was the piano.
Chester has his own "unique" thoughts on religion.
Chester's defining moment, early in his career, was when he vomited on himself and some fans to finish the show.
Chester's career highlight so far is making the "One Step Closer" video.
Chester's musical role model is Robert Plant and Scott Weiland.
Chester's greatest obsession is his music, which he started at age 13. He kept practicing until it hurt and he could sing how good he does now.
Chester will never part with his guitar.
Chester can't imagine being on the road without lubricant.
Chester is a complete sucker for good beer.
The strangest request Chester ever got from a fan was to have his clothes.
The riskiest thing Chester has ever done was join the band.
If Chester could be someone for a day, he'd be Orgasmo.
If Chester could repeal one law it would be the legalization of marijuana.
If Chester wasn't a musician right now, he'd be "an Average American doing average American things."
Chester has two dogs: an Australian shepherd and a Rottweiller / Labrador mix.
Chester once road a snow saucer down a cliff and went headfirst into a brick wall. He had to get 47 stitches.
Chester had a couple of friends commit suicide when he was growing up.
Chester owns every Madonna record on the planet.
Chester's top five albums are: 1)Fugazi, 13 Songs 2)Al Green, Greatest Hits 3)Led Zeppelin, IV 4)The Beatles, the White Album 5)Stone Temple Pilots, Purple
Chester is the only member that needs a carrying-kit cargo case for his wardrobe. He's got shoes that go with every outfit, his underwear has to match his outfits, his socks have to match his shoes and his pants-everything is a very big deal to him.
In airports Chester has to take off all his metal spike bracelets,etc and he has a little bag or something that he arranges them all on. They must be in the same place every time.
Chester likes the movie the "Fight Club".
Chester likes to cook.
Chester's previous day job was as a coffee barista
Chester has been reading the Anne Rice 'Vampire Chronicles' series and "Hannibal," which he says is "an amazing book."
Chester has become addicted to 'Tony Hawk II', the second Tony Hawk skateboarding game...while on the tour bus.
A good night out for Chester, back in Phoenix, is to go to a place like Axis Radius for dancing or Club Rio on Thursdays, for 25-cent draught beers.
Chester says Mr Hanky the Christmas Poo is the cartoon character that represents him best.
Chester's most poignant moment was getting married.
Chester has done some radio ads for something called CAPP, whose intentions are to help sexually abused boys.
Chester says he gets a hard on when fans sing along so he has an erection for the whole show.
Chester's brother taught him to sing 'Hot blooded' when he was 2 and learning to talk and taped him when he was doing it. This tape is still somewhere but he says its lost. He told a kid about this because he had nothing clever to say and is amazed that everyone around the world now knows about it and everyone asks about it.
Chester needs glasses but takes them off on stage so they don't fall off. Without out them he can't actually see the front row.
Chester and Samantha have designed some clothes for Replicant Clothing, the company owned by Korn's Head and Orgy's Ryan Shuck.  "Basically, the idea of the business was to see if some of their friends might want to do some 'signature' stuff. Ryan asked me if I was interested a little while ago. I never had any prior experience in something like this, but I said I'd love to try. I started doing it, and now I'm crazy for it!" You can find these clothes on Replicant's site or at stores like Hot Topic.


Linkin Park's Mysterious Cyberstalker

Старая история, но тем не менее … linkinpark

In 2006, someone took control of the cell phone, email, and PayPal accounts of Talinda and Chester Bennington. :trinity:


Did you know that Chester …

often wears a $7 necklace with a shield and prayer on the back? The prayer says: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged for the Lord, God, will be with you wherever you go."

often drives a Mercedes CL 55, but prefers his PT Cruiser, which he spent $40,000 to customize? But his wife doesn't often let him take out the PT Cruiser, saying: "People can't see you driving that."

describes Orange County as a "much more mellow scene," with a more "family vibe," than Los Angeles? "There are awesome schools down here. It's like a beach community. I like that. I have children and so I never really felt like Hollywood or most areas in L.A. were suitable for my kids to grow up in. Things down here remind me a lot more of where I grew up. I grew up in Arizona. Everything's spread out. It's more built out than up."
spent 9 hours until 7 p.m. interviewing with the press about Linkin Park on his 31st birthday on March 20? He then headed to The Improv in Hollywood, where he hung out until 1:30 a.m. "It was awesome."

lived out of his Tercel in L.A. before Linkin Park made it big, but owned two homes in Phoenix? "I couldn't afford to get an apartment or anything because the cost of living out here is ridiculous." Looking back at those days, he says, "It was not easy."

has another band called Dead By Sunrise, which will have a record out in a few years? "The record is almost done right now, but Linkin Park kind of takes priority."


But had heard enough of One Step Closer and In the End to last a lifetime and not enough about Bennington's sexual predilections. We tracked down the bespectacled singer to get the lowdown. Suffice it to say, you should ask for an autograph, not a handshake, when you meet Master, er, Mr. Bennington.

1. How old were you when you lost your virginity and what were the circumstances?

Chester Bennington: I don't remember losing my virginity. I think I was 15, and I was on ether.

2. What's the most memorable sexual experience you've ever had?

CB: My left hand.

3. What celebrity would you most like to have sex with?

CB: Oh, that's a hard one. I'd probably say Angelina Jolie.

4. What's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?

CB: Driving on the freeway with my wife. I'll put that up there with the best sexual experience, too. But it probably was my left hand because I spend more time with my left hand than my wife.

5. Have you ever had sex with a groupie?

CB: I don't know if the people who had sex with me at the time really liked my music. I don't think so.

6. Ever have a three- or more-some?

CB: Yeah, me, my left hand and my right hand all had a party together. I'm really into masturbating.

7. Ever videotape yourself having sex?

CB: No, I can't afford a video camera. Well, I can now but I couldn't when I would have done that.

8. How often do you masturbate?

CB: Too often. I'm working on carpal tunnel right now.

9. What's your favorite sexual act?

CB: All of them. Anything sexual is my favorite one.

10. What's the most number of orgasms you've ever had in a 24-hour period?

CB: I think I lost count after five. I'm a sick bastard.

11. Who's the most famous person you've had sex with?

CB: My wife and she's only famous because she's my wife.

12. How often do you watch porn?

CB: Every day. I just got a gift of American Cocksucking Championship on DVD from a radio station.

This article is from [Playboy Magazine]

Первод взят с

1. Сколько лет тебе было, когда ты потерял девственность и каковы были обстоятельства?
CB: Я не помню при каких обстоятельствах это произошло. Думаю, мне было 15, и я на небесах от счастья. (я бы перевела *под кайфом* )))

2. У тебя был сексуальный опыт, который ты помнишь до сих пор?
CB: Да, то был опыт с моей левой рукой.

3. С какой знаменитостью тебе бы хотелось переспать больше всего?
CB: Оу, трудный вопрос. Пожалуй, это была бы Анжелина Жоли.

4. Какое самое необычное место, в котором ты занимался сексом?
CB: Когда я вёл машину по скоростной магистрали с моей женой. Думаю, это был мой лучший сексуальный опыт. Но всё-таки я отдам предпочтение моей левой руке, потому что я провожу с ней гораздо больше времени, чем с моей женой.

5. Когда-нибудь участвовал в групповом сексе (втроём или больше)?
CB: Да! Я, моя левая рука, моя правая рука, мы провели чудное время вместе. Обожаю рукоблудить.

6. Ты записывал на видео свои сексульные похождения?
CB: Нееет, я не могу позволить себе видеокамеру, слишком дорого. Впрочем, сейчас-то уже могу, но когда я этим занимался, у меня не было денег.

7. Ты часто мастурбируешь?
CB: Слишком часто. Сейчас я разрабатываю запястье.

8. Какая твоя любимая поза?
CB: Я обожаю все. Мне нравится всё, что касается секса.

9. Какое самое большое число оргазмов, которые ты испытывал за 24 часа?
CB: Кажется, я перестал считать после пяти. Ооо да, я больной ублюдок.

10. С кем из известностей ты занимался сексом?
CB: С моей женой и она известна только потому, что она моя жена.

11. Как часто ты смотришь порно?
CB: Каждый день. Одна радиостанция даже подарила мне DVD "American Cocksucking Championship"


Слухте, на сайте недавно запостили такую новость

Do you have a question that you've always wanted to ask Chester? This is your chance. Send your questions to  вопросы by Feb. 11, and Chester Bennington might answer your question in an upcoming issue of Revolver Magazine!

У вас есть вопрос, который вы всегда хотели задать Честеру? Это ваш шанс. Отошлите ваши вопросы до 11 февраля, и Честер Беннингтон возможно ответит на них в будущем выпуске Revolver Magazine

Здесь есть несколько вопросов-ответов .... ойё! Тут тоже заработала ссылка на *задать вопрос* Кстати обратите внимание на аудио приветствие A Welcome Message From Chester

Q: Who do you think are some of the best vocalists in the current music scene?
A: Ryan Shuck of Julien-K, Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age, Chris Cornell, and Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance.

Q: What was your favorite city to visit on this past Australia/NZ/Asia tour, and why?
A: Tokyo. Because it is so full of life and it’s the fashion capital of the world.

Q: What can you tell us about your solo project, Dead By Sunrise?
A: We rule! Our record is almost done and so far we’re really proud of all the songs.

Q: I love the new Club Tattoo designed Etnies Shoes! What gave you the idea for those?
A: Etnies is the original when it comes to street/skate shoes. We thought they would be the perfect fit for Club Tattoo.

Q: What's your favorite activity to do while you are on the road?
A: Golfing and eating.

Q: We just heard the news about Linkin Park's new headlining US tour with Coheed and Cambria as the opening act! What made you guys decide to invite Coheed and Cambria on tour with you?
A: They’re dope!

Q: What prompted you to start your own clothing line Ve'cel? Where do you draw your inspirations from?
A: We started Ve’cel because there are a lot of brands that look the same so we wanted to do something unique and edgy with an artistic feel.

ВОПРОС: Кто, на твой взгляд, самый талантливый вокалист в современной муз.индустрии?
ЧЕСТЕР: Раян Шак из Julien-K, Джош Хомм из Queens of the Stone Age, Крис Корнелл и Джерард Вэй из My Chemical Romance.

ВОПРОС: Какой город из тех, что вы посетили в посленем, австралисйко-ново-зеландско-азиатском, туре, понравился больше всего?
ЧЕСТЕР: Токио, потому что он так полон жизни, и он мировая столица моды.

ВОПРОС: Что ты можешь сказать о своем сольном проекте, Dead By Sunrise?
ЧЕСТЕР: Мы рулим! Альбом почти готов и, пока, мы реально гордимся каждой песней.

ВОПРОС: Я обожаю кроссовки Etnies с дизайном от Club Tattoo. Как появилась идея их создания?
ЧЕСТЕР: Etnies - передовики в уличной/скейтерской обуви. Мы подумали, что их наработками идеально впишутся в дизайн Club Tattoo.

ВОПРОС: Чем больше всего любишь заниматься, когда ты находишься в дороге?
ЧЕСТЕР: Играть в гольф и есть.

ВОПРОС: Мы только что узнали, что открывать концерты Linkin Park в новом туре по США будут Coheed и Cambria. Что послужило толчком к выбору именно этих групп?
ЧЕСТЕР: Они просто жесть!

ВОПРОС: Что побудило тебя на создание своей линии одежды Ve'cel? Откуда ты взял все идеи?
ЧЕСТЕР: Мы создали Ve'cel, потому что существует куча брендов, чья продукция выглядит одинаково, поэтому мы захотели создать что-то уникальное и острое с эстетическим оттенком.


Club Tattoo Interview Series 4 части.

Interview with Sean and Thora Dowdell by Robert Brink
В скорости обещают интервью с Честером, но они и так его постоянно упоминают, и Шон рассказал как они познакомились, как всё началось и  один прикол про них с Честером ))) Кто как, а я впервые слышу. Чтоб вам не искать скопирую сюда

RB: So, I was going to ask you guys to give me like a funny Chester story, that maybe…

TD: *laughing …How much time you got?...*laughing

RB: We got a lot of time…

SD: I’ll tell you a funny Chester story. I got the best one right here. Chester and I also play in a side project band called (unintelligible)…

TD: Interrupts with loud laughter…yes…

SD:…we played (talking over each other…unintelligible)
last year and that was one of our first shows and we went on a little, it was supposed to be a month tour we got hired to do this thing for RJ Reynolds…to go out and play all of their corporate parties all over the United States and at our very first show, we played in Albuquerque. It was this whole--we were introduced by Ron Jeremy on stage--and it was supposed to be this whole Vegas-goes-Porn thing…

TD (Interrupting Sean) Mind you…I don’t know about the Ron Jeremy part and I don’t know about…

SD: Neither did any of us until we get there...

TD & SD: (Unintelligible talk over each other)
SD: …And we get there and we’re playing in front of…I don’t know…fifteen hundred, twenty five hundred people, something like that and Chester…this was when he was drinking…so he was pretty happy up on stage and we’re all playing and about six, seven songs into the set he raises his bottle of Jack Daniel’s…he’s got a cigarette in one hand and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s in the other--mind you, we’re at an RJ Reynolds party; this is a cigarette party--he gets up on stage and says, “Hey, is everybody having fun?” and it was kind of a dead response and he said, “Alright all you mother-f-ers, how’s it feel to be getting lung cancer and liver disease?” And it was like…you could hear a pin drop.

RB: *Laughing

SD: Our power got cut, security guards came out of nowhere. They just appeared, grabbed all of us, escorted us off stage. Three lawyers came out of the back alley with our contract, highlighted fifty-two points of interest we violated and we got kicked off an RJ Reynolds tour for saying the word cancer. So that, to me, was like the funniest thing and he was so upset because we lost a ton of money and I thought it was the most punk rock moment of my musical career…to be able to tell the tobacco companies to shove it up their…

RB: Yeah

SD: …Was awesome


Перевод предыдущего поста

RB: Так, я хочу попросить вас рассказать что-нибудь забавное про Честера, что может быть...

TD: *смеясь* ...Сколько у нас времени?...*смеётся*

RB: У нас полно времени...

SD: Я расскажу тебе забавную историю про Честера. Это лучшее, что есть. Честер и я также играли в одной группе под названием (неразборчиво)...

TD: *оглушительно хохочет* да...

SD:...мы играли (неразборчиво переговариваются друг с другом) в прошлом году (прим. интересно,какой год имеется ввиду?*видимо 2006, скоре всего*), и это было одним из первых наших шоу, мы немного раскрутились, предполагалось, что у нас будет месячный тур, мы подписали контракт с  RJ Reynolds (прим. табачная компания, известные марки - Camel, Winston, Salem,  Pall Mall)...отыграть на всех их корпоративных вечеринках по всем Штатам, и наше первое шоу мы играли в Альбукерке. Это всё --на сцене нас представлял Рон Джереми (прим. это уже пожилой популярный порно актер, известный тем, что смог отсосать у самого себя =)))--- это всё должно было вылиться в Вегас-порно-вечеринку...

TD *перебивая Шона* Эй...я не знала, что там был Рон Джереми...

SD: Да мы тоже не знали, пока не приехали...

TD & SD: (неразборчиво переговариваются друг с другом)

SD: ... и вот мы приезжаем туда и играем перед...ну, я не знаю...перед толпой в полторы тысячи, две с половиной тысячи людей, типа того, и Честер... это было когда он ещё пил ...так что на сцене он уже был хорошо на веселе, и вот мы играем. И на шестой-седьмой песне сета он поднимает бутылку Джек Дэниэлс (виски, кто не в курсе)))... в одной руке у него была сигарета, а в другой - бутылка Джек Дэниэлс---напоминаю, мы были на вечеринке RJ Reynolds, там можно было курить--- он стоит на сцене и говорит:"Эй, тут всем весело?" а в ответ никакой реакции, и тогда он сказал:" Хорошо же, маззафакеры,как оно, когда заболеваешь раком легких и циррозом печени?" И тут стало так...можно было бы услышать, если б булавка упала.


SD: Нас отрубили от электросети, охрана набежала как из ниоткуда. Выросли как из-под земли, нас всех скрутили, стащили со сцены. Три адвоката появились с черного хода с нашим контрактом в руках, зачитав нам, что мы нарушили пятьдесят два пункта договора, и нас вышибли с тура RJ Reynolds за то, что мы произнесли слово "рак". По мне, так это был просто прикол, а он был ужасно расстроен, потому что мы потеряли кучу бабок. И я подумал, что это был самый панковский момент в моей музыкальной карьере...иметь возможность послать табачные компании на...

RB: Да

SD: ...было потрясно


Ха, прикольно!  :D Разорвать контракт из-за слова "рак"  :O . Так только американцы наверное могут. То что Честер назвал всех "маззафакеры" никого не задело?  :lol:


Ну они там спецом для этого собрались помаззафакать ))) А запрещение на слово "рак" - это типа как прятать голову в песок. Не говорим, значит не существует.

Фотки в тему  :dirol: Club Tattoo 10th Anniversary2005


Жаклин, спасибо большое за классные скрины.  :thank_you:
Скажи, пожалуйста сколько у тебя идет Making of SOTD? У меня 15 с лишним минут.


Скажи, пожалуйста сколько у тебя идет Making of SOTD? У меня 15 с лишним минут.

Тоже 15, самое последне, которое на лп раше выкладывали.


Club Tattoo's Chester Bennington Interview, Pt 1

An interview with Club Tattoo's Chester Bennington by Robert Brink

RB: So, I just want to go back from the history of you and Sean’s [Dowdell] friendship, and how everything started.

CB: Well, Sean actually met--I’d been playing in my friend’s garage, with them and, like, jamming out. And we had this other kid that we’d play, [unintelligible 3:39], drums, so we’d go over there every once in a while, screw around and play cover songs and stuff. His brother was in a band, locally, and they were starting this new band, and they invited me to come down and sing--to audition for the band. And so I thought it was pretty cool. And so I went down and auditioned for these guys, and Sean happened to play drums. We were all still in high school; Sean was a few years ahead of me in high school. So, anyways, it happened to be that we were from different parts of the city. Basically, when we say Phoenix, you’re pretty much saying Phoenix, Scottsdale, Glendale (laughs), you know, Tempe, Mesa--like everywhere is Phoenix pretty much. So we didn’t go to the same schools or anything. But what ended up happening was they took me in the band, but they didn’t take the other dude that actually invited me down, for whatever reason. And so we started a band and we just became friends at that point. Sean became pretty much like a big brother to me, and we’d always hang out, and he’d take me to parties, and it was pretty cool. . . keep me out of as much trouble as possible.

RB: So, then you guys were in a band together for a while?

CB: We were in a band; we were in Grey Daze with each other for a lot of years. We were in a band from the time I was about 15, until I was almost 22--so, about 7 years or so.

RB: And during that time he was already getting the ball rolling on the Club Tattoo thing?

CB: Yeah, during that time. We opened up the doors to the first Club Tattoo twelve years ago, so I was about 19. 18--I was about 18 years old when we opened up the first shop. That was just kind of like a way for us to make money--well for Sean to make money cuz he invested money so it was his shop. But it was a way to make money cuz the band was only doing really well locally. You know, sometimes the shop would carry the band--like pay for the band’s rehearsal space. And sometimes the band would pay to get new equipment or whatever for the shop. The Club was doing really well since it opened.

RB: So, you were 22 when you were. . .

CB: We broke up around that time, yeah.

RB: And then where does Linkin Park come in?

CB: During that year or so--it was a year, maybe a couple months or whatever--that we hadn’t been playing together. And I got a bunch of these packages from these bands all over the country. I had no idea that anyone was even paying attention (laughs), other than people here in our local area. I’d met some people that we knew in the entertainment law side of things that were trying to get Grey [Daze] a deal, and he met up with this guy in Texas, at SXSW. And this guy was talking to this band that needed a singer and had great potential but just couldn’t find the right guy. He was like, “Dude, I know this guy that would be perfect for this if he was interested.” So they sent me a package, on my 23rd birthday actually, and cut the demo. The band was called Xero at the time. I got it and within two or three days, you know, I went in and recorded the demo on my birthday which is a Saturday. The next day I called up the dude that was representing Xero and said, “Can I come out?” and played him the demo over the phone. He said, “Well, when can you be here?” So I was in LA Monday morning at Zomba Music Publishing at 9 am.

RB: So did you take a sort of Club Tattoo hiatus, like the Club Tattoo stores were opening…

CB: I basically took a hiatus from everything in Arizona. I was just focused on music. And it wasn’t until about four years ago or so, when Sean was like “I want to expand and I’m really not interested in a partner but I want to be in business with you.” So we basically started expanding the business together and opening other shops. And it kind of escalated ever since then. The shop has always been really well respected, and had a great reputation in the tattoo world. And we just kind of wanted to elevate the shop. Our goal was to make it the industry standard, basically, of how things should be done: how we treat our clients; and how we treat our employees. And we wanted to share it with as many people as possible. So. . . world domination is the goal. (Laughs.)

RB: I was just gonna say you got brought back into it after having the exposure of Linkin Park, and I was gonna ask you, you’re so busy, you’ve got so much going on, what is it about Club Tattoo other than that Sean’s a friend, obviously, from back in the day. But, what keeps you interested and passionate about doing it?

CB: Well, I’ve always had a soft spot for this place, you know; I helped paint the walls. This particular store has evolved so much since we opened the doors. I mean, it’s gone through probably 50 face-lifts since then and it’s expanded. I actually enjoy being part of something that’s part of my hometown and keeps me involved, and Sean and I--it didn’t work out musically, but we get to work together and be creative. I love art and tattooing, and body art is probably at the top of my list as far as artistic expression. I think the artists in the tattoo world are some of the best and some of the most innovative, simply because of the medium they have to use, to put their art on. Technology for tattooing has grown so much and the different colors--and you can literally do anything you want on a body, and it’s there forever. And that person--it’s unique because that person, it’s theirs; and they take it with them. Whereas like a painting, you can kind of pass it down from generation to generation. So it’s really an amazing, personal, unique experience, and that’s kind of like the way it is with music, too. So it just felt like this is something that was natural, you know? It wasn’t really just because Sean is my friend. It helps, but it’s always something that I wanted to be part of. Even when we opened the first store, I wanted to be part of it and it was cool to be able to do that.

RB: So, this was the first store?

CB: This is actually the first store.

RB: So you built it by hand, you helped?

CB: I helped, yeah, we were--well, this area we’re in now actually is part of what used to be a T-shirt store, with posters and band stuff, kind of like a Hot Topic-y type of thing, you know? And the original store--where all the tattooing gets done, which is next door--it used to be a tanning salon. So we thought it’d be a great place to open up the shop because you’d have artists in there working out of booths that were personal, but you could shut the doors if you wanted to. You know when women get tatted in certain areas, you don’t want your ass hanging out in front of everybody. And it was cool, take the bus up here, hang out at the shop, go to rehearsal and shows. We’d play next door a lot and over time the shop began to grow and we had the chance to take over this place. And so we knocked the wall down and expanded.

RB: Did you ever envision it as successful as it’s become? Like, back then?

CB: It’s always been our goal, but if you would have said, 15 years ago, “You’re gonna own the tattoo scene in Arizona and it’s gonna actually be a really great business to get into,” our parents and everybody, probably including us, would have been like, “Yeah, right, whatever.” I don’t think in general people view the tattoo business as a profitable enterprise, but it really is. I mean, if you think about how many people actually have tattoos now, you’d be really surprised. It’s a huge number of people and it’s a part of a lot of different scenes--music, sports, the art scene-- and everyone from executives to young punks, pretty much.

RB: So how about the opportunity to come work with etnies came about, and as far as you’re concerned, what is it about etnies that makes it a worthwhile collaboration?

CB: Well, the reason we were drawn to etnies, primarily, was because it’s a company that started exactly the same way Club Tattoo did: with a dream and a pocketful of money and dedication. You know, Pierre [Senizergues] put his whole life into etnies and Sole Technology, and it’s kind of crazy, but those are the kind of people we want to do business with--people who understand what it takes, dedication it takes, that are tapped into the people that they’re catering to. In a lot of ways, we’re very similar. So we felt that it would be a really good match, especially after we met with everyone over at etnies, how excited they were. It was really cool to be part of a company that kind of like, to see how a company kind of works. Even though they’re on a much larger scale than Club Tattoo, it’s a very family-oriented kind of vibe. It was just cool, it felt like the right fit. We didn’t want to go with anybody that was overly corporate or have to jump through hoops. It wouldn’t have felt right.

RB: Yep. I mean, this is a loaded question, but when you were younger, did you have etnies?

CB: I did, yeah. I grew up skating and I was never really that good, but there’s a couple years where I was actually surprising myself and I was catching air on a half-pipe or something. I was like, “Holy crap!” Every time I did it I was like, “I can’t believe I just did that.” It’s kind of crazy, but I can almost remember when etnies hit the scene when I was growing up. There was very little to choose from, especially out here in Arizona. When something actually came along, where you could wear a shoe and it wasn’t gonna destroy the top of your foot--that was always the big deal, you know--wearing ‘em down cuz you ollie so much. And when you try and pull some crazy trick and the board karate-chops your fucking foot in half. It was cool, I can remember that.

RB: So, of the designs of the Club Tattoo shoes, which ones do you like the best?

CB: It kind of depends on my mood. I think if I’m kinda wanting to feel funky or if I’m wearing primarily black, I’ll add a little flavor and throw on the slip-ons. But overall I think the Bernie’s my favorite.



Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (
2008-01-23 17:47:41 -

LINKIN PARK frontman CHESTER BENNINGTON has opened up about the abuse he suffered as a child - insisting it is the reason he turned to a career in music.
The In The End hitmaker claims to have suffered years of sexual abuse throughout his childhood at the hands of an older male friend.
And Bennington insists the traumatic experiences forced him to express his feelings through writing poems and song lyrics.
The 31-year-old believes forming his first band, Grey Daze, helped save his life. He says, "It was an awful time. I hated everyone in my family. I felt abandoned by my mum, my dad was not very emotionally stable then, and there was no one I could turn to.
"The relationship I had with that band was the first time I felt a connection with anybody. From then on, I started getting some confidence back. I also found it a good way to escape the abuse of my past." … 400698.htm

Фронтмэн LINKIN PARK Честер Беннингтон разоткровенничался о том, как подвергался в детстве насилию, настаивая, что именно это послужило  причиной начала его музыкальной карьеры.
Создатель хита In The End утверждает, что на протяжении нескольких лет в детстве подвергался сексуальному насилию со стороны своего более взрослого друга.
И Беннингтон настаивает, что травмирующий опыт заставил его выражать свои чувства в стихах и в текстах песен.
31-летний певец верит, что создание его первой группы Grey Daze помогло спасти ему жизнь. Он говорит:" Это было жуткое время. Я ненавидел всю свою семью. Я чувствовал себя брошенным своей матерью, отец тогда вообще страдал эмоциональной нестабильностью, и не было никого, к кому бы я мог обратиться.
Став членом группы, я впервые почувствовал, что нашел единомышленников. С тех пор ко мне начала возвращаться уверенность в себе. К тому же всё это оказалось хорошим способом скрыться от жестокости прошлого."

Честера взяли в Grey Daze, когда ему было около 15 лет. А мать его бросила, когда ему было 11, так что можете себе представить. :(

Вкратце о создании Grey Daze из интервью для etnies.
Честер тусовался с парнями в гараже своего друга, они играли каверы и всё такое. У одного парня брат играл в одной местной рок-группе Феникса. Они только создали группу и пригласили Честера на прослушивание как вокалиста. А барабанщиком в той группе был Шон Доудел, с которым Честер (когда ему было уже 18-19 лет) основал Club Tattoo.  В то время они учились в старших классах ( Шон был на несколько лет старше), но в школах в разных концах города. Честер говорил, что Шон стал ему как старший брат, они вместе тусовались, Шон брал его на вечеринки и оберегал от всяких неприятностей как только мог.



Movie & Entertainment News provided by World Entertainment News Network (
2008-01-23 20:32:39 -

LINKIN PARK frontman CHESTER BENNINGTON was determined not give up on the band - even when they were rejected by record labels over 50 times.
The singer lead the group - then known as Hybrid Theory - into numerous showcase gigs for label executives and were turned every time.
The rockers were eventually signed to the Warner Brothers label in 2000 and Bennington, 31, insists he is glad he didn't give up on his musical dream.
He says, "We played over 50 showcases for label guys and we got turned down multiple times. It was tough.
"I was f**king miserable. The only thing keeping me going was knowing that we had something special going on. I knew this was the one." (LR/RWK/) WENN - FIFTH - HOLLYWOOD, SHOWBIZ & PEOPLE NEWS - 23 JANUARY 2008 … 401083.htm


Blog posted by Jen  on Jan 25, 2008

Hey what's up it's Chester, just thought I'd fill everyone in on
what's going on in my world. I'm sitting in London and we've got 4
shows left. The tour has been good so far and it's been fun to have
Tyler out here with us. He is now saying things like "I'm rocking out"
and "I want Starbucks" frickin' hilarious. London's pretty dope and
we've been staying here and traveling back and forth from show to
show. It's cool cause we've caught some shows like Wicked and Les
Mis'. I'm not sure what T and I will be doing for the rest of our time
here, but I'm sure we'll figure something out. We are starting to
shoot our new video for Given Up and I think it's going to turn out
really good. The band has decided to go with a live video and I think
it's perfect for the song. We always do really big expensive videos
and it's nice to take a break from that. Anyway, it's like 3 A.M. and
I'm tired so BYE. I'll be checking in every now and then so keep your
eyes open..............C


Club Tattoo's Chester Bennington Interview, Pt 2
by: Alex | Friday, January 25, 2008

An interview with Chester Bennington of Club Tattoo (Cont'd from Part 1)

RB: What’s your role in Club Tattoo, maybe it’s not on a daily basis, but overall, what’s your role in it?

CB: Well, I’ve actually been more involved now than I probably ever even imagined. It’s interesting. Because of the success with my band, I have the opportunity to kind of raise interest in Club Tattoo in ways that are gonna reach more people and have more impact than if Sean or Thora called up Rolling Stone and said, “We want you guys to cover a story on Club Tattoo.” They probably would be like, “Yeah, whatever.” Not to take anything away from anything Club Tattoo has done--in the tattoo industry we can call up any tattoo magazine and say, “We’ve got a story if you guys are interested,” and they’ll come out and do a story on Club Tattoo. But I travel all over the world, I talk to a lot of different people and I have the opportunity to expose the brand to people outside of our region. And so that’s one of the things that I bring to the table. The other thing is that I do have a lot of experience in marketing things because of the group. We’ve gained quite the education on how to keep in contact with people that you want to target. It’s kind of crazy to talk about bands or clients that way, but there is a need for that. And also, I contribute a lot with the designs, I knew [Jed? 19:50] knew kind of what I wanted to see and that [Brodie? 19:55] and the rest of the crew here on which designs we actually liked the most. Clothing-wise, I don’t really have time to sit back and create graphics, but I do have a lot of input on how the clothes look and how being thrown around here a little bit.

RB: I probably should have asked this earlier when we were going through the history, but when Sean came up with the idea for Club Tattoo, back 12 years ago, were you kind of like, “Oh, that’s crazy,” or were you like, “It’s not gonna work,” or were you like, “Let’s do it!”

CB: Actually, I was surprised, because I always thought Sean was gonna do something in business, cuz he was always a very business-minded guy. But it was strange he chose to open a tattoo shop, cuz none of us had any tattoos. We didn’t know anything about any part of the whole world at the time, at least from what I remember. It just seemed like a big risk, but I was like, “Fucking cool! Tattoos are awesome, and now I have a place to go.” (Laughs.) But, yeah, it struck me as interesting because it wasn’t what I would have thought he would have done. And now that I see, this is Sean’s life and this is Thora’s life, and they breathe this place 24 hours a day and it turns out that he is probably one of the best at the business side of the tattoo enterprise. He gets it. It’s a talent.

RB: How about Sean and Thora as a couple? How do you see them, how would you describe them, or what are views of them as a couple?

CB: They’re pretty awesome, they’re really a great couple together. They fit, and they work this place well. They both bring different things to Club Tattoo, but together, they’re pretty funny. It’s pretty awesome to hang out with them. Thora’s a riot.

RB: She’s funky.

CB: Yeah, she is. She’s a firecracker; she’d punch you in the face. And smile. (Laughs loudly.)

RB: How many of your tattoos have been done by Club Tattoo people?

CB: I’d say probably 70% of my work has been done through Club Tattoo. I have had some pieces done--I had some work in Florida done; I had some work in Ireland done; I had some work in California, but most of my work has been done by artists that have worked at Club Tattoo.

RB: Are you still into getting tattoos? Or have you not been really getting a lot of tattoos lately?

CB: I’ve been actually getting a lot-- a back piece I’ve been working on—I took a little break for a while cuz I got a lot of work done really fast, and dude, the back is brutal. I mean, they all hurt, I’m not gonna lie and be tough guy and say “Oh, that one didn’t hurt.” But some places hurt worse than others (chuckles). But I have a back piece, and I just actually got one of the other dragons colored in--most of it colored in--so, probably another 20 hours or so of work left in it. And when it gets done, I’ve got some other skin that needs to be filled in, and I want to just leave the full sleeves, and some more work here and here. I’ve got a piece across my chest that I want to tie in, some work to kind of give myself a tattoo cake (laughs). And I have work on my legs, you know, I’m just gonna keep going until I just feel I’m done. I pretty much decided that this is gonna be a life-long journey.

RB: Right on. So, we were talking about this earlier before the camera went on, but you’ve got the Linkin Park album coming in about six weeks -

CB: May 15th it comes out.

RB: So I’m imagining things are gonna get just super hectic for you?

CB: Yeah, dude, it already is, it’s kind of crazy!

RB: I guess, just maybe walk us through that a little. You were telling me earlier you’re doing all this stuff.

CB: Yeah, for the last couple weeks, we just finished mixing the record, and mastering the record, and we started doing all this press and everything, and I think last week alone we did 70 interviews internationally. We went to New York and launched the shoe, also, and then came back and I’ve done press all this week, every day, and now I’m out here doing this photo shoot here. Tomorrow I have off, but I’ve got phone interviews to do, and then I leave for Southeast Asia on Sunday and I’ll be gone for 10 days doing promo and press out there. And then come back and I have about five days off, four of which I’ll be rehearsing and then we’re gonna go out and start performing shows the 22nd of April. And then we come back, do Bamboozle Festival, Saturday Night Live, that’s on the East Coast. And then Jimmy Kimmel and the Weenie Roast in LA, and then we’re off to Europe for a month doing all the big European festivals. And we’re doing some other shows, like the Pearl Jam stuff out there, that aren’t festival-driven, and then we kick off the summer tour (chuckles) in the US, and after that we are probably gonna either go back to Europe or out to Southeast Asia. And then, get home, do Christmas. . . (laughs) and go back out as soon as possible, another, probably, back to, depending on if we go to Southeast Asia, we might go to Australia, and we want to do South America, South Africa next year around this time. I’m already into next year already (laughs) so this is gonna last for the next two or three years.

RB: Yeah, I was just gonna ask. . .

CB: We’re launching a clothing line, a premium clothing line, too, at Club Tattoo, we have a premium clothing line called VE’CEL that we’re launching in August, so I’ll be doing the shows and on my days off, between tour dates, I’ll be flying from this place or that place, so we can launch the clothes, which is kinda like “Psht [similar sound 27:06].”

RB: So the act of – let’s eliminate the recording process or whatever – the act of putting a record out, with the tour included and the promotion, becomes sort of a three-year commitment?

CB: Oh yeah, yes. A lot of bands go out, like the average cycle lasts about a year and a half.
And our cycles last about two, and we’ve always stopped around there, cuz we felt like we had to go back and do a record. But I think that was always the peak. It felt like every time we stopped, we were at the peak of our touring, so I think we might push for three.
RB: Well, you guys have been on sort of a hiatus for a while.

CB: Right.

RB: It’s been the longest gap between records and whatnot.

CB: Right. . .yeah, and I’ve got a record I’m gonna be finishing while we’re gonna be touring cycle.

RB: Another Linkin Parker?

CB: Well, we’ll be doing that as well, but I have another band called Death by Sunrise.

RB: Oh, okay.

CB: It’s kind of like my solo, I guess you can consider it like the solo thing, but I like to look at it more like a band, cuz we’re all working it together; it’s exactly the same way we work the Linkin Park thing. I have a little bit more of a dictatorship, but it is not as much as a democracy as Linkin Park, like I have more control over it. But I’ll be finishing that up too, so when the LP record’s winding down, I’ll probably drop that one and have to tour that as well.

RB: It just dawned on me you guys, didn’t Bucket of Weenies ??? play GVR? Was that your band?

CB: Yeah, we played GVR last year. Or the year before.

RB: Yeah, ’05. So, with all that work, that commitment to not having a free day or hour to yourself, once things sort of do wind down, are you bored in a way? Or sort of desensitized to relaxing or do you bask in it?

CB: No, it’s interesting. Most of the time I feel like there’s something I’m forgetting and I should be doing and if I don’t do it something really bad’s gonna happen. So I get kind of this anxiety, kind of “what am I forgetting?” or “what am I blowing off?” But there are times where I realize that even if there is something I’m blowing off, I kind of need to, cuz if I don’t, then . . . I enjoy doing what I do and I enjoy all the different things that I’m involved in, and I don’t ever want to get to a place where I’m like, thinking, “What the hell did I get myself into?” (Laughs.)

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