Morning After Linkin Park

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Chazy Chaz. Рождение звезды

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Ы...какая интригующая инфа... o.O
Люд, может ктонить разъяснит что к чему? буду очень признательна=)
я в статье ничего не поняла :dontknow: ну кроме тго что Level 7 - притон
а  чья компания кстате? ..оО
я год назад читала, что эта Честера компания o.O

"...Думаю, что сейчас у меня получилось сбалансировать свою жизнь, управляя своим бизнесом и воспитывая детей. Я также стараюсь запустить новую компанию… у меня вообще то есть новая под названием Level 7. Это музыкально-технологическая компания. Скоро вы о ней узнаете, думаю, в ближайшие несколько лет. Но ни словом более, т.к. предстоит ещё много работы: создание инфраструктуры, наём сотрудников. Работы много, но это интересно..."

" последний вопрос. Не принимая во внимание проекты, в которые ты вовлечён — музыка, одежда, Club Tatto, Linkin Park — чем ещё ты занимаешься, о чём люди ещё не знают? Или, может, чем будешь заниматься в будущем, когда нужно будет уходить на покой? Вот, например, Шон сказал, что хочет стать пилотом.

Да, я работаю над организацией компании под названием Level 7, наша цель — изменить представление о том, как работает музыкальная индустрия. Честно говоря, я не могу распространяться об этом; хочу рассказать больше, но не могу. Вообще я достиг всего, чего хотел в прошлом, даже больше, чем хотел — всё это со своей группой Linkin Park. Но мне хочется оставить лично свой след в истории, быть тем, кто вернёт музыкантам контроль над своим творчеством. Мне хочется вернуть контроль над музыкой в руки фанатов и музыкантов. Мне не нравится, если артисту какой-то непонятный чувак говорит делать то-то и так-то. Я хочу попробовать изменить такой расклад вещей, и это то, чем мы будем заниматься в компании Level 7." … terethnies

Отредактировано kbls' (17-02-2009 19:28:51)


я ещё пытаюсь всё это осмыслить

спасибо за ваши высказывания  :yep:

попробуем разобраться вместе, поскольку на lplive я не в состоянии вести споры на такую тему на инглише


ZorkoeUho написал(а):

И доводы фанов: наверное они не выпускают альбом потому что бухают каждый день; ах, раз добропорядочный Майк не дружит с Райаном - то это ну ооочень подозрительно, мне не кажутся очень убедительными.

я хотела отметить, что когда я писала свой коммент в этом ключе (преувеличение ради прикола, но однако отражающее мои мысли), это было 28 января, а всю бодягу про Level 7 я прочла только 16 февраля.

это вообще была моя реакция на Чат 2005 года

chesterbennington says to (13:16): 2 totally different environments.

chesterbennington says to (13:16): With Linkin Park we work in pairs and groups.

chesterbennington says to (13:17): With my solo stuff I kind of lived with Ryan while I made it so it was a totally different environment.

chesterbennington says to (13:17): We'd have parties and friends over WHILE i was recording. People would come in and listen. Very laid back and relaxed.

chesterbennington says to (13:18): We held true to certain important security measures, but people around got to hear it. But that would never happen on a LP record, it's more confined and serious.

chesterbennington says to (13:18): Just a different style.

chesterbennington says to (13:18): On my album we recorded everything in one room

chesterbennington says to (13:18): My kid could be on the couch playing video games.

chesterbennington says to (13:18): Very relaxing and different.

chesterbennington says to (13:18): LP is much more regimented, more like a MACHINE.

chesterbennington says to (13:19): Finely tuned machine or race car is LP.

chesterbennington says to (13:19): Really tight and really good.


Сегодня у меня много чего в голове пронеслось ))) Хочется верить, очень надеюсь, что Честер во всей этой заварухе всего лишь жертва. Может его использовали в тёмную, хотели использовать его известность и имя для раскрутки нового рекорд-лейбла, который создавали......ну может для отмывания наркодолларов, для чего угодно.....как очередная игрушка миллиардера.
Думаю, что наверняка Честера и Генри свёл Райан Шак (у меня такое предположение) Шак мне никогда не нравился, от него несёт гнильём, а после подобных статей тем более.

Ещё одна ссыль
Feds seek to seize billionaire’s mansion in drug case … drug-case/

The lawsuit demands the right to seize Nicholas’ mansion at 9 Telescope in Newport Coast, where it says he managed a supply of cash to buy drugs that he often used to party with musicians for his recording company, Level 7. Among the artists Level 7 worked with, Nicholas has said, are Linkin Park, a platinum-selling alternative metal band.

Nicholas has said he helped Linkin Park’s lead singer, Chester Bennington, kick a drug habit. Bennington declined to answer questions for this story.

“Henry Nicholas is a friend of mine and I wish nothing but the best for him and his family,” he said in an email.

тут уже пишут, что Честер отказался отвечать на вопросы.

Смешно звучит, что Николас помог Честеру завязать с наркотой. Хотя кто его знает, может и дал денег на лечение....когда Чез возможно чуть не помер где-нибудь в разгар вечеринки.....остаётся только гадать



Jaclyn написал(а):

Хочется верить, очень надеюсь, что Честер во всей этой заварухе всего лишь жертва. Может его использовали в тёмную, хотели использовать его известность и имя для раскрутки нового рекорд-лейбла, который создавали......ну может для отмывания наркодолларов, для чего угодно.....как очередная игрушка миллиардера.Думаю, что наверняка Честера и Генри свёл Райан Шак (у меня такое предположение) Шак мне никогда не нравился, от него несёт гнильём, а после подобных статей тем более.

На это очень хочется надеяться.
Level 7 существует сколько? 3 года? и все это время он не знал, что там происходит?
Может просто закрывал глаза?

И я тоже не поняла, кому принадлежит L-7. вот этому Генри Николасу?
Что будет с компанией?

и не дай бог, это опять притормозит выпуск сольника, хотя он и не зависит от L-7, но все эти разборки....

А под каким лейблом выходит альбом JK?


[L!NK!N_L@dy написал(а):

]Level 7 существует сколько? 3 года? и все это время он не знал, что там происходит?Может просто закрывал глаза?

может Честер считал это серьёзным бизнесом, может оно таковым и предполагалось, но в результате

Since leaving Broadcom, Nicholas has launched several enterprises that have gone nowhere. Level 7, a recording company he started with the band Linkin Park, is now in what he calls "suspended animation."

(Suspended animation is the slowing of life processes by external means without termination. Breathing, heartbeat, and other involuntary functions may still occur, but they can only be detected by artificial means. Extreme cold can be used to precipitate the slowing of an individual's functions) - что-то типа по-русски "в замороженом состоянии"?
JK is doing an online format release and DBS is through warner unfortunately

Честер пишет сольник на Ворнере? интересненько....правда, я нигде про это не читала

Короче, по-видимому Level 7 уже никак не повлияет на выпуск альбома Dead By Sunrise


Club Tattoo's Chester Bennington Interview - Part 3 интервью на скока я помню 2007 года

RB: Right on. . .This is the last question. Other than all these other projects that you’re doing, the bands, the clothing, and the Club Tattoo, the Linkin Park. . . what are you kind of into that maybe people don’t know about? Or, maybe in the future, when all this stuff’s over, is there something that you want to accomplish? Like Sean said he wanted to be a pilot . . .

CB: Yeah. . . I’m working on this company called Level 7 (я работаю на компанию Level 7) and our goal is to completely change the way the music industry is run. And I can’t really--I wish I could tell you more about it, but I can’t. My goal, I’ve accomplished everything I’ve ever wanted, more than I ever could have dreamed of accomplishing with Linkin Park, you know? And we do things that just blow my mind. But I want to contribute; I want to be known as someone who contributed in a positive way to everybody in the business, that helped to give artists control of their careers back. And put the power back into the hands of the fans and the hands of the artists, rather than in the hands of some fucking dude who doesn’t even know how to write a song. I think the people who really make the business possible, the artists and the fans are the ones that are taken for granted the most. And I really want to try and help that, and try to change that, and hopefully with what we’re doing with Level 7, we’ll be able to accomplish that.

I’m working on this company called Level 7 (я работаю на компанию Level 7) (в смысле "разрабатываю")  и далее по цитате нигде не упоминается, что Честер владелец или основатель компании. Была прогрессивная идея рекорд лейбла нового типа, но всё кончилось пшиком.

I think the people who really make the business possible, the artists and the fans are the ones that are taken for granted the most.

people who really make the business possible - это наверно про Николаса?))))


Kenji Kato worked for Nicholas from October 1999 to April 2006


m 102007
Joseph M. Kar (SBN 207414)
15250 Ventura Blvd., Suite PH-1220
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Telephone: (818)501-6930
Facsimile: (818)501-6935
Attorney for Plaintiff, KENJI KATO,
Dmitry Y. Gurovich, Esq. (SBN 181427)
Elon Berk, Esq. (SBN 209642)
15250 Ventura Blvd., Suite PH-1220
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Telephone: (818) 205-155 5
Facsimile: (818)205-1559
Attorney for Plaintiff, SCOTT KATO,
KENJI KATO, as an individual; and SCOTT) Case No.: BC 362 424
KATO, as an individual, )
Plaintiff, )
HENRY T. NICHOLAS III, an individual;) DATE:
LEVEL 7, LLC, a California Limited Liability ) TIME:
COMPANY, LLC, a California Limited)
Liability Company; NS HOLDINGS, LLC, a)
California Limited Liability Company, AKA)
HUSTON, an business form unknown; and)
through 10, inclusive, )
9:00 AM

I, Kenji Kato, say and declare,
1. I am a Plaintiff in this action. I make this declaration with personal knowledge of
the facts herein. If called upon to testify, I could and would competently do so.
2. In 1999,1 was in graduate school at Pepperdine University attending law school
and business school simultaneously. I was recruited for work by Dr. Henry T. Nicholas in
connection with my brother, Dean. My first duties for Dr. Nicholas included acting as his
personal bodyguard, assisting with logistics, transportation, and relaying messages from his
executive assistant, Beth Kuhns. Dr. Nicholas seemed very grateful for our services and he and I
had a good relationship at that time.
3. I began working for "Nick," as he like to be called, and for Broadcom in October
1999 along with my brother and sister, Dean and Denise. While working for Broadcom, we
would help with tradeshow duties which included customer entertainment, transportation,
security, reservations, and VIP services. Typically, we would check in to the hotels for Nick,
and provide him with his special requests such as beverages, food, music, etc. On a typical
tradeshow, we would arrange transportation for him, other Broadcom executives, and for
Broadcom customers. Often, we would escort a group from the tradeshow to customer dinners,
concerts, parties, and private events, in an effort to entertain the customer and help facilitate
closure of business deals for Broadcom.
4. We also provided these services personally for Nick. Typically, he would contact
us and make arrangements in advance. We would entertain him, and his guests, by arranging
lavish events, dinners, concerts, parties fit for only Billionaires. This included private jets,
limousine transportation, backstage passes at concerts, meet and greets with high profile bands,
catering and arranging large parties at his home, and creating private parties for Nick's friends.

5. After sometime working for him, from between 1999 and 2001 Nick had been
very pleased with our work and performance. He would repeatedly tell my brother and I that we
helped him close business deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars at the tradeshows we
worked at. Nick said that we were like family to him, and that he was going to give us
Broadcom stock options as a reward for our work for him and Broadcom. His promises and
incentives made us work harder and longer for him. Nick would give us a sense of security and
used his words to keep us loyal to him and his business. But, his promises of benefits, such as
health and stocks never materialized. 1 came to realize that my health, finances, and security
were severely compromised by a man who only made promises and threw tantrums only to get
what he desired at the moment.
6. In the beginning, our duties were very innocent and clean. Our policy was not to
get involved in anything that would compromise our employment and integrity. However, drugs
seemed to be one of Nick's passions, and he would use them whenever he had the opportunity
and he would encourage those around him to indulge as well. He would not take "no" for an
answer sometimes, and would pressure me to carry an extra supply of drugs in case he ran out or
pick up packages for him. I came to learn that his packages and the "medicine bag" he carried,
often had a stash of drugs (such as cocaine or ecstasy).
7. Nick was always very demanding, he "worked and played" very long hours all the
time. He yelled at people regularly, including me. It became apparent over time that he used
drugs on a regular basis. He also had many girlfriends throughout his marriage. I would often
be forced to get in the middle of all of these "extra-curricular activities" at Nick's demand.
8. There were very few people that I could confide in at work due to the nature of
the circumstances and his behavior. One person who saw a lot and understood my pain was


Craig Günther. Craig was Nick's Chief Operating Officer for "Nicholas Enterprises." He
experienced much of the same agony working for Nick as I did, and we spent a lot of time with
Nick on vacations and dealing with business matters for him. Craig was one of the few people I
could vent to, who understood and could sympathize with my circumstances and pain. I enjoyed
spending time with Craig. We got along very well, but I don't think Nick liked the fact that we
were close. Nick did not like anyone around him to have friendships outside of his direct
9. Routinely, Nick would see other women while he was away on business and at
home; and, he demanded and required our absolute secrecy and concealment from everyone.
Nick's conduct and desires to conceal things made my employment unreasonably difficult. I
would be required to work longer and undertake extra work as a result of Nick's extra-curricular
10. During formal and informal business functions at clubs or such, Nick would seek
to manipulate the circumstance in order lower customers' inhibitions and guard. For example, he
would have us order a round of vodka or other alcohol, and make everyone drink up, but switch
his own shot for water. There were occasions during my employment with Broadcom and Nick
when I would see him put powdered ecstasy pills into the drinks of his customers. 1 would see
him usually carefully measure the dosage. Nick was once sued by Intel wherein Intel claimed
that Nick had obtained trade secrets by encouraging an Intel employee to drink and party with
him. Other times, when we were at tradeshows in Las Vegas, it was normal for Nick to request
and send prostitutes to his customers to entertain them. He regularly used prostitutes himself,
and often times, he would order me or my brother pay for them using his "petty cash."

11. Nick claimed to be all powerful. He once boasted that he once paid offa federal
judge, had connections with police and sheriffs, and was so highly connected that he could make
people disappear. If and when I would not obey or feel uncomfortable with his requests, he
would make a "big deal" of it all until I would give in. Sometimes he would get mad and yell, or
he would continue to harass me until I complied. I had discussed this problem with other
employees since many of us dealt with this regularly, but most people were to frightened to stand
up to him.
13. Over a couple years, my role with Nick took on the additional responsibilities of
regularly lying and concealing the truth from others, managing his women for him, and holding
onto his drugs for him. I was entirely uncomfortable with this change but it was thrusted upon
me and I was berated by Nick, and often argued with him, over forcing me to deal with his
personal affairs. But, over time, my will was broken and it just became regular. I was regularly
exposed to such a high degree of debauchery while working for Nick.
14. Some of the private parties that he coordinated had many girls, some of them
prostitutes and lots of drugs. Nick would distribute large amounts of ecstasy and cocaine to
everybody, especially the women. It was normal for him to attempt to have sex with as many
women as possible. He would even come onto girlfriends of others with reckless abandon. He
even attempted to "come on" to my girlfriend in the past. Because of his wealth and fame, he
felt exempt, "privileged," above others to act as he did. He also expressed, verbally and non-
verbally, the consequences of those that would cross him.
15. There were a few situations where he could have been arrested, but I helped him
escape trouble. Once around 2000 or 2001, we were attending a concert at Angel Stadium and
his assistant's husband tried to pick a fight with Nick. Police arrived to arrest both of them and

while Nick was talking with police, he began handing his drug stash to me. I had no other option
but to take his bag. There were other incidences like that. Once, outside a nightclub in
Hollywood, around 2001, he was caught with a bag of cocaine. The guard yelled out to another
guard to get police. He was able to hide away but imposed himself upon me to conceal his
circumstances. That was another close call. But, Nick had mentioned several times to me that if
anything ever happened to me, he would expect me to take the blame for him. He promised that
he would take care of me in case I get into trouble with the law for him. He claimed to have the
power to get me out of any type of trouble that he got me into. He said he regularly donates
large amounts of money to political causes, and local authorities, so this may be possible.
16. I know Nick to be an extremely intelligent individual, but he was highly
manipulative, including with me. He approached things with a militant attitude and cold
scientific method. He is/was often ruthless in his dealings with individuals and businesses, and
seldom has regard for people that get in his way. He regularly stated that "intimidation" is one
of his favorite tactics; and, for most people, it was difficult to stand up to him because of his
wealth, power, and personality.
17. His wife Stacey, had once said to me that he was like "a cult leader" because of
such qualities. My brother, Dean, lasted less than two (2) years before he quit; due to intolerable
conditions and stress from working for Dr. Nicholas.
18. I took my work for Nick very seriously and approached it as a challenge he cast
that I tried to match. Most other employees did not last long, due to stress and psychological
trauma he extolled. I stayed because I thought I could handle the abuse and was not aware of the
damage it caused me.

19. As his personal assistant, I helped manage the home Nick lived in, coordinated his
travel plans, arranged private and personal parties and guests, instructed and prepared party
materials, and ordered to conceal as much of this activity as possible while he was attempting to
repair his marriage. By that time in my employment, I was "fully vested" with Nick and
working very closely with him.
20. On or about January 2003, Nick retired from Broadcom as C.E.O. I still worked
for him personally after that time until about April 2006. My sister, Denise, quit after Nick left
Broadcom. During Nick's separation from his wife, Stacey, one of my duties was to help him
find and manage a new home while catering to his daily needs. I very much admired Nick and
felt beholden to him because of our years together and relationship, that became a friendship by
the time.
21. However, his use of drugs and affairs interrupted work and disrupted my ability to
perform, as well as injured out personal friendship. There were numerous occasions when he
strongly offered and insisted I use drugs with him, including, cocaine, ecstasy, crystal
methamphetamine, and alcohol. I refused, at first, but it was too prevalent and there were times
when I felt very pressured to give in. Before meeting Nick, I had not really used any drugs, and.
at worst I tried marijuana a few times before.
22. After, I felt very pressured by Nick to just to keep up, he demanded that
constantly on everything. He would stay awake for two to three days at a time, and he would
expect me to be available at his beckon call. And, I was. This was very difficult to do, and it
was very stressful and unhealthy for me.
23. Before I began working for him, I had never tried any of hardcore drugs, it was
only after I was employed by him that ecstasy, GHB, cocaine, and nitrous oxide were exposed to


me regularly. The first time I used cocaine was when Nick shoved a tiny spoon up my nose
because I was falling asleep, while he was talking to me. I had been up all night with him. Othei
times, he would hand me a pill of ecstasy and demand that I take it. I didn't really feel like I had
a choice. There were several times when he severely reprimanded and yelled at for not having
enough drugs on hand for him too. He would order me or others to get more.
24. Nick's party lifestyle definitely took its toll on him too; and, it affected his work
and marriage. Nick regularly ordered me to lie about his whereabouts on numerous occasions.
Rather than be at work or with his family, he was spending more and more time partying with his
stable of women. More and more of my job became dedicated to dealing with his personal
matters instead of business and work I was hired to do. Catering to his personal affairs and drug
induced conduct made my job more intolerable and consumed inordinate amounts of time. My
"responsibilities" increasingly became concealing and covering up for Nick, while being forced
most times to party with him.
25. At times when I was required to stay at Nick's home, in the guest bedroom, he
would wake me up, and make me drink and do drugs with him, because that was one of his
favorite things to do. Over time, I got sucked into his extreme lifestyle. For example, it became
a normal routine to watch the sunrise while being surrounded by drugs and women, and then
having to conceal it from the rest of Dr. Nicholas' employees and his wife. It was very difficult,
stressful, and unhealthy for me, but he demanded that of me regularly.
26. I had thought of quitting many times but my loyalty to him was important and I
know he did not have many others to rely on at the time. Nick also made it virtually impossible
to leave him too, there was an unspoken rule of absolute loyalty to him "or else." So, I really
hoped that he would be able to repair his marriage or get over his other problems. Nick is a great

man, except for his personal excesses. But, he could not amend his ways while I worked for
him. His sexual cravings and drugs overpowered his life, and sometime in 2004, this became
apparent to his wife.
27. As divorce proceedings loomed, Nick's behavior became more erratic and
negative. His drug use increased. He hired a regular prostitute, Denise Boudreau, to work as his
assistant — and, I have seen her supply him with black tar heroin, speed, GHB, cocaine, and other
28. I was required to help train her to be Nick's assistant. But, she was clearly not
qualified for the position due to limited education, and our mutual dislike for each other. She
began to create a rift between Nick and I. She competed with everyone for his attention and she
wanted to be the one that he relied on for everything.
29. The drugs and sex that she supplied made him extremely difficult to deal with.
He began staying awake for even longer periods, sometimes four to five days at a time. His
behavior became completely intolerable at times. He would yell and scream at everybody, no
one was immune to his rage. His lifestyle became very messy, his mansion was cluttered with
equipment, cardboard boxes, and junk, which we were not allowed to clean up on a regular basis.
30. Nick demanded things to be left where they were, which eventually became
unsanitary and unhealthful. For instance, there was mold in the basement of the Telescope
House, and clutter on the floor that made it difficult to move around the house. My staff and I
were required work in that unhealthy, dangerous, and hostile environment. The mansion was
literally full of clutter and there was very little open space in order to move about (the floors
were covered with boxes of equipment and books, even in the hallways). I was often required to
work on my bed, since there was stuff everywhere else.

31. Even though I was able to hire on a staff to assist me with providing 24-hour
assistance, seven days a week, I began to question my job safety and security. Nick was
constantly on drugs, and his behavior was more erratic than ever. He could not remember things
well, he became regularly confused, and would not make sense sometimes.
32. During that time, Craig Günther or 1 had to answer on his behalf quite frequently
because he no longer answered his phone regularly. My staff and I would have to try and
physically catch him when we could to sign paperwork and to relay messages. There were
several employees that were physical struck, shoved, grabbed, and generally assaulted by Nick
over relatively minor issues. For example, Jack Komonee, Alex Barajias, Scott Kato, David
Elvenia, and myself were separately attacked by Nick. I personally had a cell phone thrown at
me, and in one incident Nick shot me with an air gun, among other times he shoved me and such.
Nick also carried knives with him all the time. He even had a several large swords around the
house and he played and acted out with. On one occasion, he swung a sword very close to me,
intending to show me how it was done, but it was also very intimidating/terrifying.

33. Towards the end of 2004, he decided to create a media company called Level 7. I
was the first person to come onboard and help him develop this company. Our objective with
this was to help some of our musician friends make records and distribute them under a cutting
edge, technology oriented business model. We built recording studios, and hired musicians to
record music and create content for Level 7. I assisted with artist management, accounting, and
business development. As a start-up company, there was many holes to fill, I was ordered to
handle virtually all aspects of the business, however I was still responsible for my other duties of
supervising Nick's personal needs and properties.

34. Unfortunately, Nick's pain, suffering, and drug abuse were extreme, and it was
difficult to discuss and handle business matters with him. He would routinely miss meetings, not
return calls, and blow off important issues or business matters. It was increasingly difficult to be
associated with an endeavor, Level 7, that was headed by a person, Nick, who would rather
always party than work.
35. At times, Nick could not remember what he ordered me to do the day before. I
was often challenged because his thought processes were impeded by his constant drug abuse.
He also regularly took prescription painkillers, such as Vicodin, Vicophrophen, and Valium. In
addition, 1 saw that he was still using large quantities of cocaine, crystal methamphetamine,
GHB, and heroin.
36. It was very sad to see him like this, the Nick that I first met was much stronger
and healthier than the person I ultimately came to work for. He regularly stayed in his bedroom
with his girlfriend, and rarely had people over. He no longer socialized with friends, or saw
much of his family. He even avoided me as much as possible, I'm not sure exactly why either.
37. I assumed it was out of shame or guilt. I believe that much of his negativity was
generated so that he would not have to deal with his many day to day problems. It was difficult
just to get him to sign important documents, which was one of my duties. Months before I left,
he became very reclusive, locked in his bedroom or office and only confided with the sordid
women in his life. As an employee and friend, I felt I had a duty to protect him, as I did over the
years, from people who would try and take advantage of his wealth and power. But during this
time, I could not help him — he wouldn't not let anyone. Drugs and sex were all he wanted, and
I could not be involved in that anymore.

38. As he became more detached, even from his family and other employees, my
duties became more burdensome. I was working more than double full-time, yet he claimed to
keep me as an "independent contractor." Even though I was under his direct supervision and
specific instruction for about seven years, he withheld all benefits and overtime pay from me. In
the past, while at Broadcom, Nick regularly promised me benefits and stock options. He said he
would "take care of me," and that "I had a job for life," or other words incentivize me and others.
39. I felt obligated to work on weekends and holidays at his demand, while Nick still
owed amounts over-due and unpaid totaling $150,000.00 by March 2006. Those amounts were
for past wages and work representing about 1500 man hours of work, as well as expenses
advanced. The whole circumstance, on top of Nick's increasingly abusive and intolerable
conduct, and overdue money owed to me, everything ultimately led to me walking off the job on
about April 2006.
40. I regularly had heated arguments with Nick over his condition and behavior, and
our relationship soured severely. He stopped paying me my hourly wage regularly, but he still
demanded that I work for him. When I tried to get my invoices and pay approved, he resisted
and would refuse discuss the matter. To the end, he began avoiding me as much as possible
which caused an extreme amount of stress in my life. He made it impossible for me to do my job
for him and Level 7.
I started feeling chest pains and having trouble sleeping. I began realizing
that I could no longer work for Nick, and that I had to quit.
41. Nick acknowledged to others that he owed me money, but he would not pay up
and disregarded the consequences of the financial pressures he caused me. He often used his
"purse strings" to try to control me. I could no longer live with that manipulation.

42. After I left, in about April 2006, Nick falsely told others that he had fired me and
that I was a bad employee. Months after I left, on about October 2006,1  was informed and
believe that, Nick even went so far to claim that I had stolen (embezzled) money from him,
which was not true. I did in fact quit and was not fired, and through it all I was loyal and honest
to Nick, and I was deeply hurt by his remarks.
43. I have been also under the treatment of a psychiatrist, David Glaser, M.D., for
personal and emotional issues arising from working for Nick.
I declare under penalty of perjury of the State of California that the foregoing is true and
correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed at ¿-¿¿> <tu(,i^£i, , California, on March ¿L, 2007
KenjtKato - Declarant

230 … lenews_wsj

Joining Mr. Nicholas for an interview were three lawyers. Before all had assembled, Mr. Nicholas was unscripted, and called Mr. Kato "Secret Asian Man."

были намёки на блог Майка и его Secret Asian Man

мне думается, это просто совпадение, поскольку я всё-таки думаю, что  Secret Asian Man Майка - это Джо Хан - название комикса, возможно стало именем нарицательным


Chester Bennington talks about his 'moody' solo album, 'disarray' at the VMAs … nning.html

Sep 9, 2008, 09:26 PM | by Shirley Halperin

For all the pop pomp and circumstance that the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards rolled out, some of MTV's rock stars felt a bit left out. "Where were Foo Fighters and Nickelback?" says Linkin' Park's Chester Bennington. "Or even a band like Three Days Grace, who had a pretty big year? There was no Vampire Weekend or Daughtry. It was very one-sided." The singer describes Sunday's extravaganza as "raising the bar of confusion and disarray. The VMAs are consistently cluster-f---s, and this year set a new standard." Part of the problem, he says, was the that the main room had "more seat fillers in there than celebrities, and you had people who were invited sitting out in the streets. Plus, everybody was texting, no one was watching the show. I got super bummed out."

Carrying the torch for MTV's rock veterans has always been a difficult task, but never as much as this year, says Bennington. "I think the VMAs have completely lost touch with a broad scope of music. It was very bubble gum and Disney, which is why bands like Foo Fighters, and everybody else in my group weren't there. Honestly I didn't think we were going to win, because we literally felt like we were too old." But Linkin Park did nab a moonman for "Shadow of the Day" (off of the double-platinum album Minutes to Midnight) as Best Rock Video. And Bennington reveals that before his band's next album, due out next year, he'll release one of his own. "It's going to kick ass. I started working on it in 2005 when we took a seven-month break.  I wanted to do something creative in that time off and I had songs that I knew weren't Linkin Park songs, but I thought were good. Then we started working on Minutes to Midnight and that's all I've been doing for the last two years. Now that we're done, I've got this body of work that is strong — very moody, very dark and melodic."

The album will be released by Linkin Park's label, Warner Bros., sometime in 2009. As for whether it's a solo effort or a side project, Bennington admits he's been kicking around some band names: "We were called Snow White Tan for a while, and then I changed the name to Dead By Sunrise, but I really just like Chester Bennington."
As for Linkin Park, they head to China next month for the second time, where they'll be playing to crowds as large as 40,000 as part of the Music For Relief tour. "China is booming," he says. "they have as many millionaires as we have people." But when it comes to the music business, things don't work quite the same way. Bennington explains: "For every hundred thousands records sold legitimately, there are probably a million of that same album sold illegally. It doesn't feel much different than New York."


THIS SATURDAY! "Kick The Bass" Release Party in LA … bf575e7136

Это получается 21 января. Интересно, Честер там будет?



Ryan Shuck расказывает как познакомился с Честером

Exclusive interview with Christian of Cyclefly!


Оба интервью есть на русском на этом сайте  ^^

Отредактировано [L!NK!N_L@dy] (21-02-2009 11:12:53)


спасибо ! там отличные переводы!

щас ещё задумалась, что мужик, который костюмы для Kick The Bass делал, тоже наркоман со стажем и многолетний друг Честера............мдяя дружки у него скажем прямо :hobo:


наркотики неотъемлемая часть  рок-культа... была, есть и будет..
очень не многих это обходит..
так что ему особа выбирать не приходится..имхо


и я про тоже, с кем поведёшься, с тем и наберешься

видела фотки с THIS SATURDAY! "Kick The Bass" Release Party in LA, Честера на них не было, думаю, если б он туда пошел, его бы точно сфоткали.


может уже и выкладывала, не помню, пусть будет... забавный Чезик

2007 Projekt Revolution - BTS - Madina Lake interview Linkin Park



Interview with Julien-K / Questions for Julien-K

OC Register has an interview with Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh where they talk about Julien-K and their upcoming album, "Death To Analog", the article also mention that Julien-K and Chester's Dead By Sunrise plan to tour together.

But music is where Shuck's head is at now – and it's filled. Julien-K's album drops in just a few weeks, yet Shuck and Derakh have also had a hand in shaping the debut from Dead by Sunrise, a side project from Linkin Park vocalist Chester Bennington. That disc will be out this summer – at which point the two groups, who share several members, plan on touring together, definitely with an O.C. stop on the itinerary."It's an unconventional way of doing things for sure," Shuck says. "It would be like if Tool and A Perfect Circle toured together." Full interview. … lien-group

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