Семейство Беннингтонов Family
Сообщений 81 страница 100 из 267
Поделиться8330-06-2008 18:13:29
Вауууу! а эт Саманта????? Ваще круто!!! Какая она тут классная! Она даже лучше чем Талинда позирует . Классная фотка! А есть еще в этом роде?
Поделиться8502-07-2008 17:29:43
А как можно выложить здесь фотку (она у меня в компе)? какраз голая Талинда
Поделиться8602-07-2008 17:42:46
Вот еще что. Есть у кого фотки там где Честер с Самантой после их развода в месте. И вот те фотки которые выше моего сообщения (Саманта с ее позами) сделаны после развода с Чезом или перед??? Ответьте пожалуста на мои тупые вопросы......
Поделиться8702-07-2008 17:47:13
А как можно выложить здесь фотку (она у меня в компе)? какраз голая Талинда
вот сюда загружаешь http://www.radikal.ru/
только убери галочки, где *уменьшить* и *оптимизировать*
Саманта с позами - мне кажется после развода, но точно я не знаю.
На этом мероприятии Честер был с Талиндой и Тайлером, а также там были Саманта с Дрейвеном, причем Дрейвен был в компании новой семьи своего отца
Поделиться8802-07-2008 18:03:27
А че эт за сайт какой то Линкин леди? может дадите адрес?
Поделиться8902-07-2008 18:14:25
А че эт за сайт какой то Линкин леди? может дадите адрес?
так и быть, развлекайся http://www.linkinlady.net/
Кстати, админ этого сайта - Джен, которая офф админ Честера
вот она посередке
Поделиться9003-07-2008 01:39:50
моя самая любимая фотка с Самантой
And awwww again....
Поделиться9412-07-2008 21:56:39
Friday, November 24, 2006
The Benningtons now parents of four
In a recent interview n the Kevin & Bean show Chester revealed that he has adopted Jaime's brother. So that makes 4 children for them now!
"I do have three boys and I adopted my oldest son, his brother, I adopted him as my own so I guess I have four." У меня три мальчика, и я усыновил своего старшего сына; его брата я усыновил как своего собственного, так что я считаю, что их у меня четверо.
почему же он не сказал, что усыновил двоих детей как своих собственных? может по тому, что старший всё-таки собственный?
"It's really interesting because when you have kids your life changes you know? I think you learn a knew kind of love that only people who have children can understand. And I never really got that, you hear people say that kind of stuff all the time, but the second you look into your childs eyes you just kind of, it's over."
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Blender article
Meanwhile, Bennington was going through a rough time of his own. The year before, he’d divorced Samantha, his wife of nearly a decade. (The couple have a son together, 5–year–old Draven; Bennington also shares custody of two sons from a previous relationship.) Беннингтон также является опекуном двух сыновей от предыдущей связи
Поделиться9512-07-2008 22:45:32
У меня тут ещё одна безумная теория родилась
О песне In Pieces
Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington: "I got divorced recently and that was very difficult. I also got remarried so there was a big contrast in my life. For a while I couldn't be completely happy with the new life I was starting and I couldn't end the last one. This is a song about all of that."
Chester: "Make some noise for Mike Shinoda. That is one fucking talented man right there."
Mike: "You're just saying that 'cause I got family in the house."
Chester: "And he's extremely handsome, too. Look at that guy."
Mike: "Hahahaha."
Chester: "You know, I can't say enough wonderful good things about Mike. I'm just glad he's in my band, you know what I'm saying?"
Mike: "You're terrible. The only reason you're saying that is because you lost a bet to me earlier. We were playing poker."
Chester: "I do owe you a lot of money so hopefully that takes off for about twenty bucks or something."
[Detroit, Michigan, 16th February 2008]
щас облеку только её в слова )))))))0
Поделиться9612-07-2008 23:53:46
На правах фанфика
несколько сумбурное изложение
Теория родилась после того, как я прочла, что если один из супругов хочет усыновить ребенка, для этого обязательно согласие другого супруга. И усыновлять детей может и неженатый (одинокий) человек.
Вот я и подумала, что если...
Что если в жизни Честера (когда он был ещё женат на Саманте) возникла такая критическая ситуация, что ему надо было усыновить Джейми.
На сколько мне известно, первое упоминание о Джейми появляется во время сообщения о рождении Тайлера.(если это не так, милости прошу показать мне такую инфу)
У Честера всего в течении одного года случаются : развод, новая женитьба, усыновление ребенка (не считая его брата) и рождение сына от новой жены. Не много ли всего сразу?
Короче. Что если умирает (или что-то такое с ней случается - психбольница, тюрьма и т.д и т.п., что не даёт права заботиться о детях) женщина Честера, которая была у него до Сэм. А может родители Джейми и Исайи погибли в автокатастрофе оба сразу (раз появилась возможность усыновить Исайу)...вобщем случается нечто непредвиденное и встаёт вопрос ребром: кто возьмет опеку над детьми. И тут Честер понимает, что это его шанс вернуть себе сына. Но. Саманта отказывается давать согласие на его усыновление. Поскольку ещё до этого у них были напряженные отношения в семье, отказ Саманты становится последней каплей. И тут Честера начинает рвать на части: как сделать выбор между своими детьми, когда ещё время поджимает. Видимо взвесив все за и против, он решает развестить с Сэм, но, понимая, что у него не то положение, чтобы сидеть с детьми, и он всю жизнь мечтал о нормальной семье, Честер начинает спешные поиски новой женщины с "педагогическим уклоном". Может навел справки у друзей и подкатил типа случайно к Талинде на вечеринке. (На линкинледи писали, что Тэл раньше работала учительницей) Слово за слово, хуем по столу )))) *извиняюсь за выражение* Особо потеть ему не пришлось, поскольку Талинда уже готова была на всё с первой встречи (типа того=)). Или... пообщавшись с неделю, Честер делает Талинде деловое предложение, включающее в себя женитьбу и усыновление двоих детей. Талинда соглашается, но с условием, что у неё тоже ( а может и "с начала") будет свой ребенок от Честера (в качестве страховки...хотя...в Америке и без детей жена при разводе может оттяпать у мужа приличный кусок состояния). А может она и не хотела так сразу детей, а хотел Честер...чтобы её удержать (впрочем, не важно). И с этого момента всё завертелось очень быстро. Честер получил развод через два месяца после подачи заявления. Саманта получила все права опеки над Дрейвеном и кучу бабок. Только какое-то время спустя Честер добился совместной опеки над своим сыном.Всё это не иначе стоило хуеву тучу денег. Особенно за скорость.
Между прочим там и месяца после развода не прошло, когда Талинда залетела.Мдя, скорости космсические, скажем прямо )))
О каком же счастье в начале нового брака тут говорить? Вот вам и повод для In Pieces.
Ещё раньше я писала, что возможно песни Valentines Day и Shadow Of The Day - о смерти матери Джейми и Исайи.
Конец истории.
PS Ах да, самый настоящий друг Майк Шинода одолжил Честеру денег безвозмездно для начала новой жизни с условием, что тот завяжет с наркотой и выпивкой. Но если он будет замечен в пьяном виде или под кайфом, адвокат Шиноды предъявит ему счет Майк знал, как удачно можно сыграть на жадности Честера
Поделиться9713-07-2008 16:59:16
хм... Jaclyn, интересная теория.
Я сама начинаю в это верить.
Ну может не верить, но теория похожа на правду. Интересно.
Отдаю тебе должное - железная логика))
Особенно вот это понравилось:
PS Ах да, самый настоящий друг Майк Шинода одолжил Честеру денег безвозмездно для начала новой жизни с условием, что тот завяжет с наркотой и выпивкой. Но если он будет замечен в пьяном виде или под кайфом, адвокат Шиноды предъявит ему счет Майк знал, как удачно можно сыграть на жадности Честера
Jaclyn, просто восхищаюсь тобой
Поделиться9813-07-2008 19:20:27
Спасибо, дорогая! Приятно читать твои отзывы!
Я тут зарылась на сайте линкинледи.....стока всего!
Для начала хотела вот чего спросить. На форуме линкинледи (ссылку потом дам, чуть позже) я читала посты трёхлетней давности, когда Талинда только появилась в жизни Чеза. Там много всякой лабуды понаписали, знаю, что многому верить нельзя, но может кто чего тоже слышал. Одна девка написала, что Честер с Самантой встречался до свадьбы целых три года! Слабо в это верится....
UPDATE - They met in early 1996, when Samantha stopped for lunch at the Burger King where Bennington, then 20, was working.
Draven Sebastian, born April 19, 2002. Mother: Samantha
Tyler Lee, born March 16, 2006. Mother: Talinda
Jaime M., born May 12th or 13th, 1996. Mother: Someone before Samantha
Isaiah D., born November, 1997. Adopted in 2006. Jaime's brother.
Вот кстати тут тоже написали, что Джейми 1996 года, хотя я уже сама склоняюсь к 1995
Поделиться9913-07-2008 19:30:01
Encounter - Случайная встреча
встречи фанатов с Самантой и Честером в неофициальной обстановке
После всего этого мне кажется, что 503 оч хорошо описывает характер Чеза в своих историях
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Samantha Encounters
Mtv Tough Enough Encounter-Story By Scott from Mtv's Tough Enough 3
A couple of us went out to the Rainbow Bar & Grill. While we were sitting at our table, I saw this guy with flame tattoos getting cigarettes and he looked way too familiar! I went over and realized that it was Chester. I was shocked that I was meeting someone that I look up to. I said hi and shook his hand. I went back to our table and everything was bugging me to go get his autograph. So I went over to his table where Samantha was with him,alked to him and got him to sign the menu. They were both very nice!
Pedrosa A group of them( 6 to be exact ), had gone to the concert and a friend of theirs, who was working security, had mentioned that some of LP were going to a disco (dance club in Europe) after the show. So the girls went to this club, hoping that the guys would show up, and they did. Mike, Rob, Joe and Chester showed up with about 7 other people. Estella, the girl that this happened to, said that there were a couple of girls among the other 7; Sam was one of them. Anyway, Estella and her friends went over to the guys and told them what a great show they had given and asked if they could have autographs and pictures. This part went well, but when they went to thank them Sam became very possessive. I am Portuguese, and when we say hello / goodbye, we kiss on both cheeks. Apparently, the girls had no problems doing this to Mike, Joe or Rob, but before they could say goodbye to Chester, Sam took him by the arm and pulled him onto the dance floor. The next part I took with a grain of salt. The girls stayed around and while several of the guys were dancing, went up and danced along side of them. While Chester was grooving with one of the other girls from his group, one of Estella's friends came up next to him and began to dance. When he saw her, he began to dance with her too, and before long, he was dancing in the middle of a group of 7 girls and pulling each one at a time into the circle with him. Estella said he was laughing and seemed to be having a great time, until Sam came onto the dance floor and asked him "What the hell is going on?"After that, he thanked the girls for the dance and he and Sam went over in a corner of the club and began to argue. The argument lasted for about 10 minutes, and then they both left.That's about it. I do feel for Sam at times. It must be difficult knowing that thousands of women want your husband, but unfortunately that is part of his life as a celebrity. Maybe the girls came on a little to strong or they just caught her in a bad mood. Who knows? The one thing I do know is that jealousy is not a sign of love, but insecurity. Chester married her and loves her. This should be all the security she needs.
November 3, 2001 Family Values Tour Tampa, FL
Before the show Chester was walkin' across the street from a car and Samantha was with him. My friend asked Chester for a pic so we walked over and I told him the show the night before was KICK A** and well, i sorta yelled it cause i was really excited and I think i scared him but he was very humble. So, We were gettin a picture and Chester told Samantha to take it because there were 3 of us. SOOOOOOOOO it was a digital camera, and she asked where to look into it-- THEN we should have known to give the camera to someone else because that just screams dumb.SO i tell her you see that BIG FAT SCREEN - haha - im surprised Chester didnt hit me lol...then she tells us to smile and looks the other damn way and says ok thanks hun, and all of us, even Chester were like did you take the picture? and she was like YEP!!!!!! So then they both left, and Chester was so nice and smelled so FREAKIN good,we went to look at the picture...and IT WASNT THERE BECAUSE SAMANTHA BENNINGTON IS DUMB and didnt take the picture, so now we do not have a pic with Chester and i cried.
Christine Me and my friends went to the in Cali and we went into hottopic and I was looking at these lp shorts then I was backing up I bump into someone and we I turned I screamed cause it was chester and sam was behind him I was like hi and I was wearing my lp shirt and sam is like it is ok I ask for chaz's pic cause I had phone cam so i was happy cause i met chester.
Rachael I met Chester on a girl’s night out, November 2002, there were four of us, and my friend, Sara, she really loves Linkin Park, so we were like walking own the street, towards a restaurant, when all of a sudden Sara starts like screaming and jumping up and down, and of course it was Chester standing across the street, and he had a few guys with him, one was Joe… anyways, I was the only one out of my group who had the balls to go over there, so I went up to him and asked if he’d sign my friend’s purse, and Sara was over the street having a heart attack, and he was all like “Sure… ok, what’s her name”, then two of my friends, not including Sara, came and said hi, and I was surprised how nice he was, cause I was expecting him to like tell me to get lost, but he signed the purse and then Samantha came out from like nowhere and said something to Chester, as if she was like making it obvious to us that he was hers, like I gave a damn, but he smiled and said “I Gotta go, see ya” and I saw him walk off down the street with Sam, and they started talking…It was obvious that they were both having a bad day, but when I came over to him, Joe said “What was it, Claire?” and Chester said “No…what are you talking about…?” and they Were both trying to fight smiling, so maybe Sam was just overprotective cause Joe and Chester were talking about girls!
Jewel Me and My friend Lauren saw her. We were walking across the street the the Alltell Arena To see LP (And meet them) and two busses passed us, but then the light turned red and one had to stop. I looked up and Said to Lauren "Theres a kid up there. Theres a kid in that bus." She said "That looks like Sam" Turns out, it was Sam sitting in the front of the LP bus holding Draven. He still looks like a baby! But he had a lot of hair. It was black. So, yea. That's what happenned to me.
Kayla ( Sighting)
I believe I saw Sam at the Atlanta show, she was wearing a pink top and black pants and dancing on stage at the end (it was the last night, everyone including Mark and Jessica from the fanclub and the other bands all came out on stage).
Danielle I met them at target one day when I was school shopping.... I said hi to Sam and said hi to Chester then I asked for chester's autograph and he said sure then he signed my shirt... it was cool im glad i got to meet them. Samantha was really nice to me actually. she said hi and smiled.
Wendi ( Projekt Revolution concert at Floatrite Park in Sommerset, WI on August 28, 2004
I was just minding my own business, well trying to get a better pic of Bradfro, cause he was hanging out at the side stages. Then all of a sudden I see Rob, Im such a chicken to go up for autographs, so yeah i waited. Was watching the Rev stage when at the corner of my eye I see this toddler on this guys shoulders...I do have a problem with toddlers being at concerts, but ya know, lol. Then I look again, and I see that it's Chester and Draven. I just about FREAKED, but I stayed calm, lol. Then Behind them I see Sam, she looked soo cute, I loved the outfit that she was wearing. Draven had these cute little headphones on, looked like the ones that Brad wears, just miniature =). So I snapped a few shots and the one I tried getting (Chaz and Draven) was all blurry (it is attached though). Then Sam took Draven away and he was reaching out and mouthing "Daddy", I was almost in tears, cause it was too cute. Then sam came back and I was so tempted in approaching them and asking for both thier autographs, and if Draven was there, id ask for his too, hehe. But Sam and Chaz just looked so cozy, and he gave her a few kisses, it was so sweet, *a lil jealous*, just for the fact I want a man in my life, lol. But then Chester and Sam left again. Then I got Robs autograph. >Pictures< Tanita I met her last year at An concert In germany and kinda bumbed into her on my way in ,anyway, she was really nice and asked me a few question nothing importent just sometthings about my cousin ...well we got to talk a little and I asked her if she is as old as Lina (my cousin ) and she said she is a year older as her wich means she was 25 then so she should be 26 by now .
Natalie Well..I was at the movies, and then I saw Chester walking by, and I didn't think it was him, and all you can see were his tatoos, but he had that green hat on from collision course because I saw him about 8 days before they recorded it..Haha so then I went up to him, but I didn't yell because I thought he normally probably doesn't get to spend time with sam, and Draven, so I quitely said "Excuse me..are you Chester from Linkin Park?" And he said yes, and as he was signing my picture I saw sam, and she looked really pretty, and she splashed me a huge smile, and then Chester gave me the picture, and I smiled back at Sam, and said thank you, and exanched afew words with Chester. Then I saw Draven, withc is probably the cutest baby! Haha well yeah I thought that was an awesome experience, because I never really saw a close up picture of sam, and when I saw her I thought she was really pretty, and Nice, and she didn't at all seam bothered, that I had interupted them..so yeah.
Поделиться10013-07-2008 19:45:14
CD Thank You's
CHESTER THANKS: God, my wife Samantha, Pops and my family for all of their support...
CHESTER THANKS: I'd like to thank my wife Samantha for having our baby and putting up with me.
Chester Thanks:
My wife Talinda aka the hotness, without you life just wasn't as much fun and I wouldn't have the best dance partner ever, you de baste! My children Jaime, Isaiah, Draven, and Tyler. They are the most loving and supportive family a man could ask for. Ryan Shuck and Amir Derakh, Julien
K., Sean and Thora Dowdell and the entire Club Tattoo family, Andy, Grace, and Travis Hong, Henry Nicholas, Level 7, everyone at Etnies, Jade Howe and Esmarelda, Ever Clothing, Cosa Nostra, Josh Merrell and Liquid Graphics, my parents, my brother and sisters and their families, Tommy Hate Church you're the motha f'ing man, The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas, Camp Freddy, Bucket Of Weenies, Todd Morris, and anyone else who feels they
deserve to be mentioned...thank you too.