Morning After Linkin Park

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Happy Birthday!

In about 22 hours Eastern time, Hybrid Theory will officialy be 8 years old! What a great day October 24th, 2000 was! Celebrate the first album by the band by wearing an LP shirt and listening to Hybrid Theory all day! Also take a moment to remember how you felt the first time you heard the album, and all the things this band has meant to you personally over the years. Happy birthday Hybrid Theory, and a big thank you to Linkin Park for 8 years of greatness ever since.


The Best Of Projekt Revolution 2007 … komentarze

01 Wake (Chicago)
02 Given Up (Chicago, Syracuse, San Antonio)
03 No More Sorrow (Dallas, Virginia Beach, Toronto)
04 Lying From You (Chicago, Toronto, Washington)
05 Don't Stay (Chicago, Seattle, Denver)
06 Somewhere I Belong (Chicago, Washington, Tampa)
07 From The Inside (Tampa, Seattle)
08 Papercut (Cleveland)
09 Points Of Authority (West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Raleigh)
10 Hands Held High (Toronto, Dallas, San Francisco)
11 Numb (San Francisco, Syracuse, Holmdel)
12 Pushing Me Away (Chicago, Holmdel)
13 Breaking The Habit (Hartford)
14 Shadow Of The Day (Seattle, Sacramento, San Bernadino,San Francisco, San Diego)
15 In Pieces (Syracuse, Sacramento, San Bernadino)
16 Leave Out All The Rest (Detroit, Houston)
17 Crawling (Toronto, Syracuse)
18 The Little Things Give You Away (Seattle, Toronto)
19 What I've Done (Toronto, Denver)
20 In The End (Hartford, Washington)
21 Faint (San Bernadino)
22 Cure For The Itch (San Francisco)
23 QWERTY (Toronto)
24 One Step Closer (Raleigh, San Antonio, Denver)
25 Bleed It Out (Phoenix, Toronto, Chicago)

Exclusive - The Best Of World Tour 2008 … komentarze


LPU Platinum Poll

LPU Platinum Poll

Remember the LPU Platinum Poll from a month or so ago? The one where they wanted to make another 'tier' membership level for the LPU, thereby charging fans $80 a year for supposedly "exclusive" online content as well as a new LPU 8x10 plaque? Remember how many people voted against it? 164 out of 330, which is 45%, a majority. They listened to the fans, but they are still going to go ahead with the plaque. And yes, you know it's a slow news day when I'm posting something like this. Anyway, here's what they said.

LPU HQ (Jessica):
"Thanks everyone for taking the time to vote on this messageboard poll!

Based on your helpful feedback, we're going to offer the LPU Plaque as a new bonus package item to every member who chooses to purchase it in addition to their regular package. We have decided online membership benefits for ALL members will remain the same.

The "Official LPU Certified Member" 8X10 plaque will be a really cool extra merch item for anyone who wants to display their LPU member status! We'll have more news in the coming months about the different LPU8 membership package options and all the package items...get ready for 12/4/08!"

Sooooooo.....if you want to feel special about yourself and buy an LPU plaque, knock yourself out. I guess that's the moral of this story. Otherwise, you can join me in waiting for the supposedly epic 8.0 CD that Mike has said WON'T be full of live songs.

Minutes To Midnight b-sides anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Ready for December 4th?


Linkin Park Thinking Conceptual For Next Album

October 28, 2008

Linkin Park is planning what singer Chester Bennington calls "a concept record" for its fourth album, which the group will start recording in early November and be ensconced in making by the time its new live album, "Road to Revolution," rolls out Nov. 25.

Bennington is mum on details -- "I'm not sure I'm allowed to say what the big plan is," he notes -- but tells that Linkin Park "never envisioned ourselves doing a concept record, but we see an opportunity to do something really cool so we jumped on it, and we'll see how it comes out. I think it's a challenge and we'll see if we can rise to the occasion."

The singer says Linkin Park has already started writing music for the follow-up to last year's "Minutes to Midnight," which has been a different process as well. "If we're writing a song with a specific purpose you're allowed to step out of the realms of commercialism a little bit," he explains. "You don't want to dilute that purpose with something that doesn't have anything to do with it, which is really interesting."

While Linkin Park is starting the new album, Bennington will be putting the finishing touches on his first solo album, which he's been recording with producer Howard Benson and hopes to have out next spring or summer. "I'll probably be finished in the next couple months," reports Bennington, who describes the set as "a lot more straightforward rock, with a little bit of an electronic element to it, lots of keys and snyths and stuff like that. And there are a few elements where I think you'll be able to see what my influence on (Linkin Park) is."

Bennington also hopes "to do as much touring as possible" to promote the solo album but adds that he's wary of "putting myself in a situation where I can't finish the Linkin Park record because I'm supposed to be on a tour. It's a really delicate kind of balancing act I'm gonna try to pull off here."

Linkin Park's "Road to Revolution," meanwhile, is an 18-track CD/DVD package recorded at a June concert in England. Jay-Z appears on two tracks ("Jigga What/Faint" and "Numb/Encore"); the set also includes Linkin Park's current single, "Leave Out All the Rest," which has been adapted for an episode of CBS' "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" that will air on Nov. 6. … 1003878460

Концептуальный альбом (в музыке) — альбом, в котором все представленные композиции объединены общей идеей: музыкальной, композиционной, повествовательной, текстуальной и т. д. Как правило, такой альбом заранее спланирован, и все его композиции или песни являются частью единой сквозной темы или истории; такая тема или история именуется концепцией. Этим концептуальный альбом отличается от обычной практики издания альбомов, состоящих из нескольких разрозненных композиций или песен, написанных или выбранных для исполнения музыкантом или группой. Зачастую концептуальным называют альбом, композиции которого объединены по нечётким признакам, таким, как общее настроение, поэтому точное определение концептуальности бывает затруднительным.

Альбом также может быть жестко- либо полу-концептуальным.[источник?] Жестко-концептуальный альбом содержит экспозицию (сюжетную линию) которая развивается от первой композиции к последней. Примеры жестко-концептуальных альбомов это The Wall (Pink Floyd), Scenes From a Memory (Dream Theater), Streets (Savatage). В свою очередь полу-концептуальный альбом объединен общей идеей, где в каждой композиции может рассказываться отдельная история или происшествие, но в рамках идеи альбома. Например альбом Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence группы Dream Theater рассказывает о шести людях с различными психическими заболеваниями. В отдельных песнях описываются их чувства и переживания. Яркий пример полу-концептуального альбома — Pink Floyd — The Dark Side of the Moon.

Первым в полной мере концептуальным альбомом считается «Pet Sounds» The Beach Boys (вышел в мае 1966 года). Его пример был использован The Beatles в подготовке своего альбома 1967 года «Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band», ставшего одним из наиболее известных концептуальных альбомов. Особенное развитие концептуальные альбомы получили в арт-роке и прогрессивном роке, в творчестве таких исполнителей, как Pink Floyd, Camel, Gentle Giant, Дэвид Боуи, Нил Янг, Kraftwerk и др.

В 1990е-2000е концептуальные альбомы получили развитие среди метал-групп (в основном пауэр, блэк и симфоник), в особенности в т. н. «эпик-метале» — группах, близких к тематике мифов и легенд (Rhapsody, Blind Guardian, Therion, Bal-Sagoth, Battlelore). Примером может послужить альбом Blind Guardian — Nightfall in Middle-Earth, представляющий собой пересказ мифов из книги Джона Толкина «Сильмариллион», Therion — Secret of the Runes и Manowar — Gods of War, основанные на сюжетах скандинавской мифологии.

В этой статье не хватает ссылок на источники информации.Концептуальный_альбом


Видео LP на MTV


Linkin Park Twists Bourdon’s Drumming Arms
Westwood One

With six members, it’s easy for Linkin Park drummer Rob Bourdon to sometimes get lost in the shuffle. But on the band’s new “Road To Revolution” CD/DVD, the musician gets his chance to shine.
During the set closing “Bleed It Out,” Bourdon shows his skills during a drum solo.

The modest musician says, “On this tour cycle, my bandmates forced me to do a drum solo. I was never really into doing drum solos, never planned them, never really practiced doing them and one night…..Brad [guitarist Delson] just looked at me and kind of set it up then wouldn’t continue playing a song until I did a drum solo.”

The drummer says the solo falls in line with the consistent theme of their recent shows to keep things spontaneous and just going for it. Mike Shinoda says he’s thrilled to have Bourdon break out on drums, and that it takes him back to the pre-Linkin Park days when he would just go watch the drummer perform because he liked his style.

“I’ve always loved the way he plays and it was in the back of my head that I would love to see Rob do drum solos and I think we all felt the same way,” says Shinoda.

Bourdon and his Linkin Park bandmates shine on the “Road To Revolution” package, due November 25th. … ID=1036143


6 ноября - EMA

21 ноября - концерт Julien-K  the Viper Room Nov. 21st. This is their only show in Southern California in 08

23 ноября -  American Music Awards


3 декабря - "The GRAMMY Nominations Concert Live!! — Countdown To Music's Biggest Night" to air Dec. 3

4 декабря - LPU


he Hundreds have more pics of art works and stuff inside Joe's home

I wondered aloud if his neighbors care about the post-midnight jam sessions, but apparently they’re just stoked that their kids’ favorite rock band practices next door.

Afterwards, Joe started playing back some new Linkin Park sounds the guys had been working on the day before.

Rosie was feeling in the mood.


["Breaking The Habit" - video exclusive]

• postado em 04.11.08 por [bruno-lp]

Depois do vídeo de "Leave Out All The Rest" a banda lança no próximo dia 7 de Novembro com exclusividade no MySpace o vídeo da música "Breaking The Habit" ao vivo do CD/DVD "Linkin Park Road to Revolution".

Portanto na sexta-feira acessem e confira!



Linkin Park nominated for Fuse's Best Video of 2008
posted by Jas, 11/4/08 | share
From Linkin Park’s video for “Given Up” has been nominated for Fuse’s Best Video of 2008! Vote for "Given Up" and help them battle their way to number 1! Be sure to vote each week and tune in to “The Top 40 of 2008: The Good, The Bad, The Britney” airing December 13th and 14th on Fuse.


Брэдушка постригся o.O
добились своего, изверги??!!


Phoenix E Chester Falam Sobre O Novo CD

O baixista do Linkin Park, Phoenix, revelou em entrevista recente que a banda está ansiosa para voltar a trabalhar no novo disco.

“Bem, neste momento estamos todos escrevendo. Tivemos uma pequena folga, umas seis semanas em casa nas quais começamos a trabalhar bastante no novo disco. Estamos esperando para voltar ao estúdio, para volta a compor e começar a gravar, ainda há muito trabalho a se fazer. Nossos fãs sabem que somos compositores lentos, mas esperamos que haja menos demora com esse disco”.

O músico também comentou que descarta a possibilidade de colaborações no novo disco.

“Provavelmente não haverá participações, simplesmente porque em nossos discos de estúdio, nunca trabalhamos com nenhum convidado. Mantemos assim para seja nosso próprio disco”, explicou Phoenix.


The bass player of the Linkin Park, Phoenix, revealed in recent interview that the band is anxious for come back it work in the new disk. 

"Well, in this moment we are everybody writing.  We had a small rest, some six weeks at home in the which we begin work it enough in the new disk.  We are expecting for come back to the study, for return it compose and begin it record, still there is a lot work to be done.  Our fans know that we are slow composers, but we expect that have less delay with that disk". 

The musician also commented that discards the possibility of collaborations in the new disk. 

"Probably will not have participations, simply because in our disks of study, never we work with no invited.  We maintain like this for be ours own disk", explained Phoenix.

Fontes: EnterMagazine / SMN News

172 … _ht_setup/

Smooth Creations can now deck out your HT setup
Published: 12th November 2008 @ 1:20 AM
Author: Steve Dougherty

Smooth Creations are known to put together some of the most elite and glorifying PC packages (both in the desktop and notebook realm) out there. Their attention to detail is staggering and pictures on the web showing off some of their many airbrushed designs may be pretty awesome to look at, but after seeing some of their systems in the flesh I can assure you no photo does the quality of their work justice.

With that said, the company is now dabbling in the world of HTPC setups and they're doing it with a hell of gust. Today they launch the Smooth HD SCinema HT package which doesn't just include a HTPC on steroids, but all the other necessary items to fill an empty lounge with top quality home theater gear, should you be needing the speakers and TV as well.

Upon first glance of the HTPC itself you will notice the Linkin Park theme which keeps to a non-obtrusive design that allows it to blend in well with its surroundings. As to why the company has chosen to call it the Linkin Park media center, I can only assume one or more of the Smooth Creations team are big fans of the group.

If you're not a fan of Linken Park's music then no doubt you shrivelled up your face a bit at the sight of the above picture. I can't help but think Smooth Creations would have been better off sticking to more of a neutral theme here that doesn't cause as much of a love or hate it crowd; perhaps something with tastefully positioned/sized Blu-ray logos and film reels etc. - Anyway... moving on.

Sporting Silverstone's LC 18 HTPC Enclosure with integrated 7" touchscreen, this media center likely houses more grunt than the majority of peoples dedicated gaming systems out there. It runs a quad core QX9770 processor on an Intel Bonetrail motherboard, 8GB G.Skill DDR3 memory, two BFGTech GTX 280s in SLi, a whopping 10TB of WD SATA hard disks, two Lite-on Blu-ray ROMs and an ATI 650 PCI-E TV tuner all powered off a 1000 watt modular PSU from Silverstone.

As the CEO of Smooth Creations, Jim Saling puts it, “The Smooth HD SCinema was designed to be a powerful multimedia & gaming system that's robust and comes with scaleable upgrade features. We wanted to ensure to our customers that everything but the kitchen sink was included in this media center. - No kiddin' !

Matching the extreme HTPC comes an extreme speaker setup from Klipsch; the THX Ultra 2 series in a 7.2 configuration which packs some MASSIVE power whilst retaining clarity and preciseness.

Polishing off the bundle is a Samsung 50" Plasma, though the accompanying news release doesn't state exactly what model. Knowing Smooth Creations, however, it's likely to be one of their current top dog 1080p models.

The price? Well, yeah... there's a reason I left that out 'till last. It's pretty obvious from the level of quality and power maintained across this entire bundle that it wasn't going to be a case of 'value for money'. But for extreme gear almost always comes extreme pricing. $19,975 U.S. will let you walk away with all these goodies.

But hey, we're allowed to dream.

173 … interview/

SMNnews managed to sneak in a quick 15 minutes with Linkin Park bassist “Phoenix” - also known as “Dave”. He talks about recording for the new album, possible collaborations with Jay-Z and other metal artists, his beard, as well as the next step and musical direction for the band.

Where are you right now?

Southern California.

Fun. Enjoying your time off?

Absolutely. We toured through mid-September in the US, so we’ve just been taking some time off, and come November we’ll be back working on the new record. I’m enjoying being home, kicking back and just doing some promotion for the Road to Revolution CD/DVD.

November 25th right?


In terms of your writing for the new album do you have a preference for how you want to sit down and get it hammered out?

Well, we are done writing at this point. We had a little break in the summer, like 6 weeks at home where we started working on it a lot. We are just waiting to get back in the studio now to begin writing some more and begin recording, there’s still a lot of work to do. Our fans know we are slow writers, but we hope to have less of a layoff with this album.

It was 2 years between albums last time, yea?

Yea. The big part was we didn’t know how long it would take to be proud of. For Minutes, we took time off of after Meteora, and it took a year and a half to write and record.

Do you have a producer in mind?

For now, we’ll just have Mike produce it. Potentially other people, but at this stage up it is up in the air.

What about Timbaland?

He is not on the radar.

So…have to ask. ‘Phoenix’, do I call you that?

It’s comfortable for me.

Well, I would hope so, considering that’s your name in the band. Do you have a preference though?

Nah, I honestly don’t have a preference. My family calls me Dave.

That also makes sense…so, Milton Keynes…fantastic venue, fantastic crowds - why there for the DVD?

We knew going in to the show we were recording it, we knew it was gonna be a special show for us and we figured it would be something we really like the rest of the world to see. Having seen the footage and the largest Project Revolution show abroad, it made sense to edit it and put it out.

We always have our own video guy, Mark, who does our internet stuff and website video editing and capturing - we have him film it all. For Milton Keynes, we had a full crew, and a full on shoot.

Right on. Any nifty behind the scenes DVD easter eggs you can tell me about?

There’s surprises in there. At his point there’s a ton of stuff to still be put together. We haven’t figured what’s included yet. The best way to keep up to date on that, is - that’s gonna have up to the minute info.

Nice plug. What sort of additional content you looking for?

We’re still messing with it.

What about one good, hearty drinking tale that wasn’t included?

I have to apologize, I mean, is it a bad sign if I can’t remember anything? We’ve had couple of doozies.

This is a stupidly vague question, but what’s the best crowd slash fan situation you came across?

Hard to say, not being PC here, but everywhere we go there’s a different thing the crowd does. Like Europe in general, specifically in the UK, they bounce up and down, where in the US, they pit - lateral movement. Asia is insane, even there it’s so different. Japan is crazy to play, because there’s a built in respect in the culture where when we are not playing the crowd will go deadly quiet…just to hear what Mike and Chester have to say, even if they don’t understand, the crowd will go dead quiet and listen. You’re used to screaming, and loud, but Japan is unique that sense.

That is pretty intense stuff. Keeping in league with intensity, I know Jay-Z appears in the mix for a few tunes, what’s the jigga man like in person?

He’s a good guy, and we have got a chance to work with him quite a bit. Ever since we got that Collision Course CD, he came out to LA, and brought his entourage with him. Our crew and his crew got along well from the start. I think Jay is the one, if not the best MC, of our time. Crazy work ethic.

Will he perhaps appear on a track or two on the new one?

Doubtful, only because when we do studio albums, we never have worked with any guests. We keep it to be our own stuff.

Does he constantly bombard you with pressure to wear his Rocaway clothing line?

No (laugh). I don’t think he’s ever talked about it. I asked if he could get me a pair of shoes, and he ignored me and laughed at me.

You also collaborated with Bustah - what’s next on the collaboration circuit? Any metal artists per chance?

Not really. No plans. Just us.
Minutes to Midnight is a far cry from past material, and has perhaps alienated your ‘heavier’ audience - will we see a proverbial return to form?

For us, we don’t sit down with a direction, we just begin with writing music, and it works towards whatever we gravitate towards - its wherever the album goes. For us, it would not work with an idea of where you want to finish. It kills the creative process. Having said that, we all love the stuff we’ve done, we love heavy music and we are sure we aren’t gonna abandon that. But we want to push new ways to stay energized for ourselves and fans.

Touring: tell me more - US/UK, what’s the plans? More festival type gigs, smaller venues, what’s what?

Right now, we finished in the September. The touring cycle ended for Minutes to Midnight, and there’s literally not one show on the calendar. We are purely back in the studio and are going to write and focus on the new record. Having said that I wouldn’t be surprised, next summer we’ll do some shows and if we were to do that, it would be Europe.

Thanks for your time…as a final question…are you ever going to shave your beard?

I’ve been thinking about it! My hair and beard is a product of my laziness. I haven’t touched a razor on my face in 10 years. It’s only been clippers without a guard, that’s it. An actual razor, it gives me razor burn, I decided if I’m gonna play music and its ok for me not to have that.

Long live beards. Thanks Dave.

Source: PHAN


Древности  ^^

Chart Attack Interview with Linkin Park

Chester: It's been fun to actually get our music outside of Mike's Bedroom. … re=related

Mike with a little bit of hair is kawaiii

Chester gets on everybody's nerves

Linkin Park in Melbourne - Interview with Mike & Brad

Interview with Linkin Park (Chester and Brad only =( )in Japan after the summer sonic festival



Уже совсем скоро, 4 декабря, начинается новый, восьмой год существования официального фан-клуба LP Underground. Группа не раз уверяла, что новый фан-клубовский диск будет стоить того, чтобы его заполучить, да и достать его можно только в LPU, полнейший эксклюзив. Содержание диска пока не раскрывается и останется секретом вплоть до 4 декабря.
Ещё в этом году появился новый тип членства в клубе - LPU8 Premier Pass с пафосной цацкой в комплекте. Исходя из названия стоит дорого. Подробности чуть ниже.

С сегодняшнего дня мы принимаем денежные переводы для регистрации или продления существующего членства в LPU 8.

Кстати, на сайте LPU можно скачать новое ежегодное письмо-постер от группы (там Роб, Брэд и Джо отвечают на вопросы фан-клубовцев). Вот Брэд, например, говорит о музыке, которая ему нравится:

«Мои музыкальные интересны широки. Я имею за собой грешок слушать поп-музыку. Больше всего мне нравятся группы из стана альтернативного рока, инди, много мягкой музыки, опирающейся на традиционное американское звучание.

Ну, нравятся группы The National, Элисон Краус, Tokio Police Club (НЕ ПУТАЙТЕ С TOKIO HOTEL). Когда мы были в России, в Санкт-Петербурге, я проснулся от истошного ора фанатов под окнами отеля. Это необычно, поскольку наши фанаты так не орут. Я удивился, подошёл к окну и увидел мелких девочек, которые орали в окна группе Tokio Hotel, эти ребята остановились в том же отеле, что и мы.»


Wednesday, November 19, 2008 
Linkin Park iLike Giveaway!

To celebrate the release of "Road to Revolution: Live at Milton Keynes," Linkin Park will be giving away autographed "Road to Revolution" posters on December 1st to 10 people chosen at random who are fans of Linkin Park on iLike! If you're not already a fan, join now by going to and clicking 'Click to iLike.'


2008 Top Dog Awards

Passing by Pooch's blog I saw this. Maybe someone is interested to help the LP crew.;m=11&y=08

ANYONE can vote for the 2008 Top Dog Awards. There is all sorts of categories. If you are a fan of the work that Linkin Park's crew did these last two years (or any other crew for that matter) go be a part of it and vote.

You have to go thru a simple registration process and then go vote. Thanks for all your support - WE REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR VOTES.

Just a reminder of names of Linkin Park crew members:

Jim Digby - Production Manager
Ethan Merfy - Stage Manager
Ken "Pooch" Van Druten - FOH Engineer
Kevin "Tater" McCarthy - Monitor Engineer
Mike Amato - Tour Manager
AJ Pen - L:ighting Designer and Lighting Director
Hugo Rempel - Production Coord/ Assist.
Jeff Mauss - Tour Accountant
Video Director - Skip Twitchell

Some of the Vendors for Linkin Park were:

Trucking Company - Upstaging
Catering - Dega Catering
Lighting Company - Christie Lights
Manufacturer - Adamson Sound
Regional Production Company - Atomic Audio
Security - NPB
Sound Company - Audio Analysts
Staging/Rigging Company - Accurate Staging


В предверии 8-й версии существования фан-клуба Linkin Park Underground, клуб официально выпустил в двух версиях письмо LPU 7 с этого года, обычно это происходит в конце года, т.е. в электронном и печатном виде. Электронный вид доступен для всех желающих участников клуба в бесплатном виде для скачивания (ссылка есть в новости на сайте), и в распечатанном виде и уже за деньги, за все года практика продажи писем практикуется впервые и чтобы получить письмо с уже уходящего LPU 7, прийдётся выложить почти 4 доллара + доставка. Для небольшого ознакомления с ним, мы "выдернем" с него некоторые интересные моменты:

1) вопрос по теме: так как все мы знаем, что в скором времени выйдет "новый" сингл Leave Out All The Rest так вот по поводу этого трека у одной фанатки появился вопрос к Джо Хану, но в данном случае он о видео ...

Вопрос: Ребят, а что вас сподвигнуло на снятие своего последнего клипа с альбома Minutes To Midnight в космосе ?
Ответ: Я считаю, что большое пространство это превосходно. Я хотел сделать превосходное видео. Это и является причиной снятия его в космосе. Поэтому видео такое долгое, но во всяком случае у него есть конец. Первопричиной его является рассказ "Icarus".

2) у Роба Бурдона спросили о музыкальных инструментах ...

Вопрос: у тебя бывали когда-нибудь мысли о том, чтобы играть на каком-нибудь другом музыкальном инструменте ?
Ответ: Я люблю играть на фортепиано. В разные моменты своей жизни мне охота значительно больше своего времени уделить именно игре на фортепиано. Мне очень нравится звук этого инструмента.

3) далее из интересного не будем цитировать ответы участников Linkin Park, а продолжим небольшой обзор всего письма, так вот там есть небольшая статья от Дейва Фарелла (ака Феникс), в которой он подробно рассказывает о благотворительном фонде Music For Relief в котором Linkin Park принимают активное участие. Майк Шинода рассказал о своих выставках "Glorious Excess: Born | Dies". Честер Беннингтон поделился рассказом о группах участницах тура Projekt Revolution 2008 ...

И еще в клубе для всех желающих участников в той же самой новости появилась другая интересная возможность "затариться" ... но об этом уже знают только участники клуба ... :)


2008 American Music Awards
posted by Jas, 11/23/08 | share
Don't forget the 2008 American Music Awards live tonight on ABC at 8/7 pm CT. Linkin Park are nominated for Favourite Alternative Rock Artist. Update: Linkin Park have won the award for Favourite Alternative Rock Artist. Update: Message from Brad posted on his LPN blog

Thank you SO much for your continued support of our band. We've been making music as Linkin Park for almost a decade, and, in that time, your collective dedication has never waned. We're so honored to have won an American Music Award last night, and are incredibly grateful to everyone who voted for us online. We worked for a year and a half to make Minutes to Midnight, and spent an additional eighteen months on tour supporting it. I hope you enjoy the album as much as I still do.

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays.



Songs From Underground tracklist and 'Crawling' download
posted by Jas, 11/24/08 | share
From LPU Newsletter: "Crawling" Live (featuring Chris Cornell) is now available for download as an exclusive perk of the LPU! We wanted current LPU members to be the FIRST to get access to this download so visit the "Free Audio" section at

As promised, we're giving LPU members the first peak at the track listing for Songs From The Underground! The CD will only be available at select Best Buy locations and features never before released versions of "Hunger Strike" (Live from Projekt Revolution 2008) – Chris Cornell featuring Chester Bennington and "My December" (Live 2008)!

1. Announcement Service Public - LPU 6.0
2. Qwerty (Studio Version) - LPU 6.0
3. And One - LPU 1.0
4. Sold My Soul To Yo Mama - LPU 4.0
5. Dedicated (Demo 1999) - LPU 2.0
6. Hunger Strike (Live from Projekt Revolution 2008) В– Chris Cornell featuring Chester Bennington - NEW
7. My December (Live 2008) - NEW
8. Part of Me - LPU 1.0

Songs From The Underground available for purchase 11/28.

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